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The evaluation of a situation or problem, including review from various aspects or points of view. In computing, analysis commonly involves such features as flow control, error control, and evaluation of efficiency. Often the overall problem is divided into smaller components that can be more easily dealt with. See also flow analysis, numerical analysis, systems analysis. Compare synthesis. + prikaži više

analytic thinking · depth psychology · psychoanalysis



1. A document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation); SYN. estimate, estimation.
2. The classification of someone or something with respect to its worth; SYN. assessment.



ETYM Cf. French évaluation, Late Lat. evaluatio.
1. Act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of; SYN. rating.
2. An appraisal of the value of something; SYN. valuation, rating.
A per
iodic assessment of the efficiency, effectivness, impact, sustainability and relevance of a project in the context of stated objectives. It is usually undertaken as an independent examination of the background, objectives, results, activities and means deployed, with a view to drawing lessons that may guide future decision making. An evaluation of a project assesses the degree to which the goals and ob-jectives were met. + prikaži više

rating · valuation



ETYM Latin interpretatio: cf. French interprétation.
In music, the manner in which a performer plays a work. Except in the case of prerecorded electronic music, which excludes the performer altogether, the limitations of notation mean that a composer cannot indicate the most subtle levels of dynamics, expression, articulation, and other detai
ls of performance practice. Inevitably the performer is responsible for these, although during some periods it has been the convention for the musician to take greater liberties than during others. For instance, the 18th-century performer had much greater freedom than the 20th-century performer, not only to alter a composer's dynamics and articulation without criticism, but also, to a degree, to change the notes themselves.
1. A mental representation of the meaning or significance of something; SYN. reading, version.
2. An explanation of something that is not immediately obvious; SYN. interpreting, rendition, rendering.
3. An explanation resulting from interpreting something.
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ETYM as. scor twenty, from sceran, scieran, to shear, cut, divide; or rather the kindred Icel. skor incision, twenty, akin to Dan. skure a notch, Swed. skara. Related to Shear.
. A number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual in a game or contest.
2. The act of scoring in a game or sport.
3. The facts about an actual situation.
4. A set of twenty members.
5. A notch that is made to keep a tally.
6. Grounds or rationale; SYN. account.
7. An amount due (as at a restaurant or bar).
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account · grade · grievance · grudge · mark · musical score · scotch · sexual conquest + prikaži više



ETYM Cf. French utilization.
(Alternate spelling: utilisation).
The act of utilizing, or the state of being utilized; use.

employment · exercis · usage · use · utilisation
Auswertung | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodvon Statistiken
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srpski · francuski



ETYM Latin interpretatio: cf. French interprétation.
In music, the manner in which a performer plays a work. Except in the case of prerecorded electronic music, which excludes the performer altogether, the limitations of notation mean that a composer cannot indicate the most subtle levels of dynamics, expression, articulation, and other detai
ls of performance practice. Inevitably the performer is responsible for these, although during some periods it has been the convention for the musician to take greater liberties than during others. For instance, the 18th-century performer had much greater freedom than the 20th-century performer, not only to alter a composer's dynamics and articulation without criticism, but also, to a degree, to change the notes themselves.
1. A mental representation of the meaning or significance of something; SYN. reading, version.
2. An explanation of something that is not immediately obvious; SYN. interpreting, rendition, rendering.
3. An explanation resulting from interpreting something.
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije