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ženski rod

Gesetzentwürfe, Anträge, Regierungserklärungen, Große Anfragen u.a. werden im Bundestag gewöhnlich debattiert, d.h. es findet darüber eine Aussprache statt; bei Kleinen Anfragen wird darauf verzichtet. Man unterscheidet bei der Beratung von Gesetzentwürfen zwischen allgemeiner Aussprache bei der ersten und dritten Lesung über grundsätzliche Probleme und Einzelaussprache über einzelne Bestimmungen des Entwurfs in der zweiten Lesung.

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ETYM Latin explanatio: cf. Old Fren. esplanation.
1. A statement that explains; SYN. account.
2. Thought that makes something comprehensible.
In science, an attempt to make clear the cause of any natural event by reference to physical laws and to observations.
The extent to which a
ny explanation can be said to be true is one of the chief concerns of philosophy, partly because observations may be wrongly interpreted, partly because explanations should help us predict how nature will behave. Although it may be reasonable to expect that a physical law will hold in the future, that expectation is problematic in that it relies on induction, a much criticized feature of human thought; in fact no explanation, however “scientific”, can be held to be true for all time, and thus the difference between a scientific and a common-sense explanation remains the subject of intense philosophical debate. + prikaži više




ETYM French pronunciation, Latin pronunciatio. Related to Pronounce.
The manner of uttering a word.
The way in which
words are rendered into human speech sounds; either a language as a whole (“French pronunciation”) or a particular word or name (“what is the pronunciation of “controversy”?”). The pronunciation of languages forms the academic subject of phonetics. + prikaži više


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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika