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srpski · francuski



End, act of stopping, ceasing



ETYM Cf. French déplacement.
In psychoanalysis, the transference of an emotion from the original idea with which it is associated to other ideas. It is usually thought to be indicative of repression in that the emotional content of an unacceptable idea may be expressed without the idea itself becoming con
Sigmund Freud's original discussion of displacement focused on its occurrence in dreams, where strong emotions are often expressed in material which the subject usually finds of indifferent interest. As a defense mechanism, it is also associated with a number of afflictions, including phobias and schizophrenia.
Act of removing from office or employment.
The measured distance traveled by a point from its position at rest. Peak to peak displacement is the total measured movement of a vibrating point between its positive and negative extremes. Measurement units expressed as inches or millinches.
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ETYM French distance, Latin distantia.
1. The property created by the space between two objects or points.
> 2. The interval between two times; SYN. space.
3. A measure of the gap between two places; SYN. length.
4. A remote point in time.
5. Indifference by personal withdrawal; SYN. aloofness.
6. A distant region.
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aloofness · length · space



ETYM Old Eng. pich, as. pic, Latin pix.
1. Any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue; SYN. tar.
2. The action or manner of throwing something.
3. The throwing of a base
ball by a pitcher to a batter; SYN. delivery.
4. The property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration.
5. Degree of deviation from a horizontal plane; SYN. rake, slant.
6. A high approach shot in golf; SYN. pitch shot.
7. (British) A vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk).
8. An all-fours card game in which the first card led is a trump; SYN. auction pitch.
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auction pitch · delivery · lurch · pitch shot · pitching · rake · sales pitch · sales talk · slant · tar + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. space, French espace, from Latin spatium space; cf. Greek span to draw, to tear; perh. akin to Eng. span. Related to Expatiate.
1. The unlimited 3-dimensional
expanse in which everything is located.
2. An empty area (usually bounded in some way between things).
3. An area reserved for some particular purpose.
4. (Mathematics) Any set of points that satisfy a set of postulates of some kind; SYN. topological space.
5. One of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff.
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1. The property possessed by an array of things that have space between them; SYN. spatial arrangement.
2. The time between occurrences of a repeating event

spatial arrangement
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muški rodmatematika
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srpski · francuski



ETYM French distance, Latin distantia.
1. The property created by the space between two objects or points.
> 2. The interval between two times; SYN. space.
3. A measure of the gap between two places; SYN. length.
4. A remote point in time.
5. Indifference by personal withdrawal; SYN. aloofness.
6. A distant region.
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aloofness · length · space

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