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srpski · francuski



1. To toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air; SYN. twitch.
2. To cause to move with a flic
k; SYN. flick.
3. To throw or toss with a light motion; SYN. toss, sky, pitch.
4. To toss a coin in the air to see upon which side it lands; SYN. toss.
5. To turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse; SYN. flip over, turn over.
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alternate · flick · flip out · flip over · flip-flo · interchange · leaf · pitch · rif · riffle · sky · switch · tack · throw · thumb · toss · turn over · twitch + prikaži više

flip over

flip · turn over



(Homonym: tern).
1. To change orientation or direction.
2. To move around an axis or a center.
3. To pass to the other side; of a corner, for example; SYN. move around.<
br /> 4. To cause to move around a center so as to show another side of; SYN. turn over.
5. To cause to move around,; also used in an abstract sense.
6. To change color, as of leaves in the Fall.
7. To pass into a condition gradually, become; SYN. grow.
8. To release something from a container; SYN. release.
9. To shape by rotating on a lathe.
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become · bend · call on · change by reversal · change state · deform · ferment · flex · grow · move around · plough · plow · release · reverse · ric · sour · sprain · turn around · turn away · turn back · turn off · turn on · turn over · turn to · twis · twist · work · wrench · wrick + prikaži više

turn over


1. To turn from an upright position; overturn; rotate ; also; to cause (an internal combustion engine) to begin firing
2. To search (as clothes or papers) by lifting or moving one by one
3. To read or examine (
as a book) slowly or idly
4. Deliver, surrender ; also; to lose possession of
5. To receive and dispose of (a stock of merchandise); to do business to the amount of
6. To do business worth a certain amount of money.
7. When employees of a company leave their jobs and are replaced by new employees, they turn over.
8. The rate at which employees of a company leave and are replaced by new employees is the turnover.
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fr. zusammenfassende Bez. für die in Dtld. siedelnden Slawen (Elb- u. Ostseeslawen), später auf die Sorben eingeengt; jetzt nicht mehr in dieser Bedeutung gebraucht.

Slawen · Venedi
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srpski · francuski



NW Slavonic peoples who settled east of the rivers Elbe and Saale in the 6th–8th centuries. By the 12th century most had been forcibly Christianized and absorbed by invading Germans; a few preserved their identity and survive as the Sorbs of Lusatia (E Germany/Poland).

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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika