rood značenje | engleski leksikon

rood značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / ruːd /

Množina: roods


ETYM as. rôd a cross; akin to os. rôda, Dutch roede rod, German ruthe, rute, Old High Germ. ruota. Related to Rod a measure.
Cross or crucifix at entrance to church chancelold unit of land area equal to 1/4 acr
Crucifix or cross; one-quarter of acre; seven or eight yards. rood screen, screen bearing crucifix.
Alternate name for the cross of Christ, often applied to the large crucifix placed on a beam or screen at the entrance to the chancel of a church.
(Homonym: rude).
1. A representation in sculpture or in painting of the cross with Christ hanging on it.
2. A measure of five and a half yards in length.

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crucifix · rood-tree
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