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Sealed vessel where water is converted to steam; SYN. steam boiler.
Any vessel that converts water into steam. Boilers are used in conventional power stations to generate steam to feed steam turbines, which drive the electricity generators. They are also used in steamships, which are propelled by steam turbines, and in steam locom
otives. Every boiler has a furnace in which fuel (coal, oil, or gas) is burned to produce hot gases, and a system of tubes in which heat is transferred from the gases to the water.
The common kind of boiler used in ships and power stations is the water-tube type, in which the water circulates in tubes surrounded by the hot furnace gases. The water-tube boilers at power stations produce steam at a pressure of up to 300 atmospheres and at a temperature of up to 600şC/1,100şF to feed to the steam turbines. It is more efficient than the fire-tube type that is used in steam locomotives. In this boiler the hot furnace gases are drawn through tubes surrounded by water.
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1. A large kettle or boiler
2. Something resembling a boiling cauldron in intensity or degree of agitation




ETYM Old Eng. ketel.
1. A large hemispherical brass or copper drum with a drumhead that can be tuned by adjusting the tension on it; SYN. kettledrum, tympanum, tympani, timpani.
2. A metal pot for stewing or boiling; usually has a lid; SYN. boiler.
3. The quantity a kettle wil
l hold; SYN. kettleful.
Glacial geologic feature, formed when a block of stagnant ice from a receding glacier becomes isolated and buried in glacial outwash or drift before it finally melts. When the block disappears, it leaves a pit or depression called a kettle, in the drift. These depressions range from 15 ft/5 m to 8 mi/13 km in diameter, and some exceed 100 ft/33 m in depth.
As time passes, water sometimes fills the kettles to form lakes or swamps, features found throughout much of N North America. Lake Ronkonkoma, the largest lake on Long Island, New York, is an example.
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ETYM Akin to lg. pott, Dutch pot, Dan. potte, Swed. potta, Icel. pottr, French pot; of unknown origin.
1. Metal or earthenware cooking vessel that is usually roun
d and deep; often has a handle and lid.
2. A container in which plants are cultivated; SYN. flowerpot.
3. The quantity contained in a pot; SYN. potful.
4. The cumulative stake in a game (such as poker); SYN. jackpot, kitty.
5. (Informal) Slang terms for a paunch; SYN. potbelly, bay window, corporation, tummy.
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Funnel-shaped hollow in an area of limestone. A sink hole is usually formed by the enlargement of a joint, or crack, by carbonation (the dissolving effect of water). It should not be confused with a swallow hole, or swallet, which is the opening through which a stream disappears underground when it passes onto limestone.
A depression in the ground communicating with a subterranean passage (especially in limestone) and formed by solution or by collapse of a cavern roof; SYN. swallow hole.
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