Karo prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Karo | nemačko - engleski rečnik


imenicagramatikakarte za igru

(frz.) 1) auf einer Spitze stehendes Viereck, Raute (Stoffmuster bzw. Spielkartenfarbe).
2) bei Skat, Poker u.a. niedrigste Spielkartenfarbe.
Durch Längs- u. Querstreifung erzeugte (auf der Spitze stehende) Vierecke als Muster.

Eckstein · Karo (Kartenspiel)
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srpski · francuski



ETYM Old Eng. chek, Old Fren. eschec, French échec, a stop, hindrance, orig. check in the game of chess, pl. échecs chess, through AR., from Pers. shâh king. Related to Shah, Checkmate, Chess, Checker.
(Homonym: Czech).
1. A written order directing a bank to pay money; SYN. bank check, cheque.
2. The bill in a restaurant; SYN. chit, tab.
3. Obstructing an opponent in ice hockey.
4. The act of inspecting or verifying; SYN. checkout, check-out procedure.
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arrest · assay · balk · bank check · baulk · bridle · check mark · check-out procedure · checkout · cheque · chip · chit · confirmation · curb · deterrent · halt · handicap · hinderance · hindrance · hitch · impediment · stay · stop · stoppage · substantiation · tab · tick · verification + prikaži više


imenicakarte za igru

A playing card in the minor suit of diamonds.

adamant · ball field · baseball diamond · baseball field · infield


imenicakarte za igru



ETYM Old Fren. esquarre, esquierre, French équerre a carpenter's square (cf. Italian squadra), from (assumed) Late Lat. exquadrare to make square; Latin ex + quadrus a square, from quattuor four. Related to Four, Quadrant, Squad, Squer a square.
1. (Informal) A formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views; SYN. square toes.
2. A tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles.
3. Any object having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles.
4. The product of two equal terms; SYN. second power.
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