HUB prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Hub | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodgramatika

Kolbenhub, der Weg (Hin- oder Herweg), den der Kolben einer Maschine während der halben Umdrehung der Kurbelwelle macht.

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srpski · francuski



1. An upward movement (especially a rhythmical rising and falling); SYN. heaving.
2. Throwing something heavy (with great effort); SYN. heaving.
3. The act of lifting something with great effort; SYN. heaving.
4. (Geology) A horizontal dislocation.

heaving · lift · raise · retch



ETYM See Hob.
1. The center of a city; SYN. civic center, municipal center, down town.
2. The central part of a car wheel (or fan or propeller etc) through which the shaft or axle passes.
A central node in a star network to which all other nodes are connected by means of point-to-point communications links.



ETYM as. lyft air. Related to Loft.
(us elevator) Device for lifting passengers and goods vertically between the floors of a building. us inventor Elisha Graves Otis developed the first passenger lift, installed in 1857. The invention of the lift allowed the development of the skyscraper fr
om the 1880s.
A lift usually consists of a platform or boxlike structure suspended by motor-driven cables with safety ratchets along the sides of the shaft. At first steam powered the movement, but hydraulic and then electric lifts were common from the early 1900s. Lift operators worked controls and gates until lifts became automatic.
1. A ride in a car.
2. A wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground; SYN. rise.
3. The act of giving temporary assistance.
4. The act of raising something; SYN. raise, heave, elevation.
5. (British) An elevator.
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aerodynamic lift · airlift · cosmetic surgery · elevation · elevator · face lift · face lifting · facelift · heave · nip and tuc · raise · raising · rhytidectomy · rhytidoplasty · rise · ski lift · ski tow + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. strok, strook, strak, from striken. Related to Strike.
1. A light touch.
2. A light touch wit
h the hands; SYN. stroking.
3. A single complete movement.
4. Any one of the repeated movements of the limbs and body used for locomotion in swimming or rowing.
5. A mark made by a writing implement (as in cursive writing).
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A stroke normally made in an upward direction.

HUB | nemačko - engleski rečnik



(2000) Wörtl. "Nabe". Hubs sind im Netzwerk Verteilstellen für Datenpakete.
Dt. "Nabe, Zentrum", eine technische Einrichtung, an die mehrere Rechner eines Netzwer
ks angeschlossen werden, um eine sternförmige, strukturierte Topologie zu realisieren.
Englische Bezeichnung für "(Rad)Nabe", "Mittelpunkt", "Angelpunkt" • Knotenpunkt von Leitungen in einem sternförmig angelegten Netzwerk. Auch mehrere USB-Geräte werden in der Regel über einen oder mehrere HUBs an einem Computer angeschlossen.

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srpski · francuski

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Reč dana 16.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, životinja
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, hemija