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muški rodmitologija

Ijob, ein Buch des AT, das eine Sage von einem Mann H. aus dem Land Uz u. seinem Unglück wiedergibt u. das Problem des unverschuldeten Leidens errtert.
(Job)Name eines Buches des Alten Testaments nach dessen Hauptgestalt. Gott erlegt dem H. zur Prüfung seines Glaubens schwere Schicksalsschläge auf, die H. mit ungebrochenem Gottvertrauen besteht, wofür er schließl. belohnt wird.

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muški rodmitologija

1. A Jewish hero in the Old Testament who maintained his faith in God in spite of afflictions that tested him.
2. A book in the Old Testament containing Job's pleas to God about his afflictions and God's reply.
3. Any long-
suffering person who withstands affliction without despairing.
(lived c. 5th century BC) In the Old Testament, Hebrew leader who in the Book of Job questioned God’s infliction of suffering on the righteous while enduring great sufferings himself
Although Job comes to no final conclusion, his book is one of the first attempts to explain the problem of human suffering in a world believed to be created and governed by a God who is all-powerful and all-good.
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Reč dana 16.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, životinja
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, hemija