épatée prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

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1. Having a horizontal surface in which no part is higher or lower than another; SYN. level, plane.
2. Having no depth or thickness.
3. Lacking variety in shading.
4. (Photography) Lacking contrast or shading between tones.
5. (Of a tire) Completely or partially deflated.
6. Stretched out and lying at full length along the ground; SYN. prostrate.
7. Parallel to the ground.
8. Not reflecting light; not glossy; SYN. mat, matt, matte, matted.
9. Without pleats; SYN. unpleated.
10. Having lost effervescence.
11. Not increasing as the amount taxed increases; SYN. fixed.
12. Not made with leavening; SYN. unraised.
13. (Music) Lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone.
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2-dimensional · bland · categoric · categorical · compressed · deflated · dull · even · fixed · flavorless · flavourless · horizontal · inactive · insipid · level · mat · matt · matte · matted · monotone · monotonic · monotonous · multidimensional · noneffervescent · planar · plane · prostrate · regressive · savorless · savourless · tasteless · thin · two-dimensional · unconditional · underdeveloped · unerect · unexciting · unmodulated · unqualified · unstimulating · vapid + prikaži više

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