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sűr | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Assuré.
2. Certain. Une chose sűre.
3. Fidèle. Un ami sűr.
4. Solide.
5. Ferme. Un terrain sűr.
6. Sans danger.
7. Tranquille. Un chemin sűr.

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ETYM French certain, from Late Lat. certanus, from Latin certus determined, fixed, certain, orig. p. p. of cernere to perceive, decide, determine.
1. Established beyond doubt
or question; definitely known.
2. Definite but not specified or identified.
3. Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured; SYN. sure.
4. Certain to occur; destined or inevitable; SYN. sure.
5. Exercising or taking care great enough to bring assurance; SYN. sure.
6. Capable of being depended on; SYN. sure.
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ETYM Latin definitis, p. p. of definire: cf. French défini. Related to Define.
1. Known for certain.
2. Precise; explicit and clearly defined.

certain · clear · decided · decisive · defined · distinct · explicit · expressed · formed · settled + prikaži više



(Baseball) Having reached a base without being put out
1. Free from risk or danger
2. In safekeeping
3. Of an undertaking.

dependable · fail-safe · good · harmless · innocuous · invulnerable · off the hook · risk-free · riskless · safe and sound · secure · sound · unadventurous · unhazardous · unhurt · uninjured + prikaži više



ETYM Latin securus; pref. se- without + cura care. Related to Cure care, and cf. Sure.
1. Free from danger or risk.
2. Free from fear or doubt; easy in mind; SYN. unafraid, untroubled.
3. Not likely to fail or give way.



1. Infallible or unfailing
2. Certain not to fail
3. Physically secure or dependable
4. (Of persons) Worthy of trust or confidence; SYN. trusted.



Certain to get successful or expected results

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On top of.



1 — used as a function word to indicate position in contact with and supported by the top surface of — used as a function word to indicate position in or in contact with an outer surface — used as a function word to indicate position in close proximity with — used as a function word to indicate the location of something
2 — used as a function word to indicate a source of attachment or support — used as a function word to indicate a source of dependence — used as a function word to indicate means of conveyance — used as a function word to indicate presence in the possession of
3 — used as a function word to indicate a time frame during which something takes place or an instant, action, or occurrence when something begins or is done
4 — used as a function word to indicate manner of doing something; often used with the — used as a function word to indicate means or agency — used as a function word to indicate a medium of expression
5 — used as a function word to indicate active involvement in a condition or status; regularly using or showing the effects of using — used as a function word to indicate involvement or participation — used as a function word to indicate inclusion — used as a function word to indicate position or status in proper relationship with a standard or objective
6 — used as a function word to indicate reason, ground, or basis (as for an action, opinion, or computation) — used as a function word to indicate the cause or source — used as a function word to indicate the focus of obligation or responsibility
7 — used as a function word to indicate the object of collision, opposition, or hostile action — used as a function word to indicate the object with respect to some disadvantage, handicap, or detriment
8 — used as a function word to indicate destination or the focus of some action, movement, or directed effort — used as a function word to indicate the focus of feelings, determination, or will — used as a function word to indicate the object with respect to some misfortune or disadvantageous event — used as a function word to indicate the subject of study, discussion, or consideration; with respect to
9 — used as a function word to indicate reduplication or succession in a series
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1. To a position on
2. In or into a state of awareness about
3 — used as a function word to indicate a set each element of which is the image of at least one element of another set




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