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muški rod

1. Structure maillée.
2. Ensemble interconnecté. Réseau électrique, informatique, ferré, de relations etc.

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1. A group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same program simultaneously; SYN. communications network.
2. An interconnected or intersecting configuration or system of components; SYN. net, mesh, meshwork, reticulation.
3. An intricately connected system of things or people; or; SYN. web.



ETYM Latin systema, Greek, to place together; syn with + stellein to place: cf. French systčme. Related to Stand.
1. A combination of interrelated interacting parts designed to work as a coherent entity; SYN. unit.
2. A complex of m
ethods or rules governing behavior; SYN. system of rules.
3. A group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole.
4. A group of physiologically or anatomically related organs or parts.
5. A procedure or process for obtaining an objective.
6. The living body considered as made up of interdependent components forming a unified whole.
7. (Physical chemistry) A sample of matter in which substances in different phases are in equilibrium.
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A group of computers and associated devices that are connected by communications facilities. A network can involve permanent connections, such as cables, or temporary connections made through telephone or other communication links. A network can be as small as a LAN (local area network) consisting of a few computers, printers, and other devices, or it can consist of many small and large computers distributed over a vast geographic area (WAN, or wide area network). See also ALOHAnet, Ethernet (definition 1), LAN, WAN.
In computing, a method of connecting computers so that they can share data and peripheral devices, such as printers. The main types are classified by the pattern of the connections—star or ring network, for example— or by the degree of geographical spread allowed; for example, local area networks (LANs) for communication within a room or building, and wide area networks (WANs) for more remote systems. Internet is the computer network that connects major English-speaking institutions throughout the world, with around 12 million users. Janet (joint academic network), a variant of Internet, is used in Britain. SuperJanet, launched 1992, is an extension of this that can carry 1,000 million bits of information per second.
One of the most common networking systems is Ethernet, developed in the 1970s (released 1980) at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center, California, by Rich Seifert, Bob Printis, and Dave Redell.
A group of computers that are connected to each other by communications lines to share information and resources. net-work
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