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1. Lourd.
2. Pénible.

accablant · alourdi · alourdissant · appesanti · assujettissant · balourd · bête · dense · douloureux · désagréable · embarrassé · encombrant · ennuyeux · ferme · grave · gros · grossier · important · importun · indigeste · inintelligent · laborieux · lent · lourd · lourdaud · massif · mastoc · matériel · niais · obtus · onéreux · oppressant · pondéreux · puissant · pâteux · pénible · raseur · sempiternel · solide · stupide · surchargé · tendu · tyrannique · vigoureux · écrasant · épais · étouffant + prikaži više
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1. Of comparatively great physical weight or density
2. Unusually great in degree or quantity or number
3. Of great intensity or power or force
4. Large and powerful; especially designed for heavy loads or rough work
5. Marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness
6. Full of; bearing great weight; SYN. weighed down.
7. Slow
and laborious because of weight; SYN. lumbering, ponderous.
8. Having or suggesting a viscous consistency
9. Lacking lightness or liveliness; SYN. leaden.
10. Requiring or showing effort; SYN. labored, laboured.
11. Made of fabric having considerable thickness
12. Of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment
13. Sharply inclined
14. Wide from side to side; SYN. thick.
15. Full and loud and deep; SYN. sonorous.
16. Darkened by clouds; SYN. lowering, sullen, threatening.
17. (Physics, chemistry) Being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight
18. (Of sleep) Deep and complete; SYN. profound, sound, wakeless.
19. (Of an actor or role) Being or playing the villain
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arduous · backbreaking · big · burdensome · clayey · cloggy · cloudy · compact · deep · dense · distressful · distressing · disturbing · doughy · dull · effortful · enceinte · expectant · fat · fleshy · full · grave · gravid · great · grievous · grueling · gruelling · hard · harsh · heavier-than-air · heavy-duty · heavy-footed · hefty · impenetrable · important · indigestible · indulgent · intemperate · labored · laborious · laboured · large · leaden · lowering · lumbering · massive · non-buoyant · of import · onerous · operose · oppressive · overweight · perturbing · ponderous · pregnant · profound · punishing · soggy · sonorous · sound · steep · sullen · taxing · thick · threatening · toilsome · troubling · wakeless · weighed down · weighted · weighty · wicked · with child · worrisome · worrying + prikaži više



ETYM Latin ponderosus, from pondus, -eris, a weight: cf. French pondéreux. Related to Ponder.
1. Having great mass and weight and unwieldiness.
2. Labored and dull.

heavy · heavy-footed · lumbering · uninteresting



1. Having relatively great weight; heavy.
2. Weighing heavily on the spirit; causing anxiety or worry.

cogent · corpulent · fat · grave · grievous · heavy · important · obese · of import · persuasive · rotund · telling + prikaži više

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