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naissance | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Commencement.
2. Origine.
3. Début.

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1. The act of starting something; SYN. start, commencement.
2. The event consisting of the start of something.
The first part or section of something.
4. The place where something begins, where it springs into being; SYN. origin, root, source.
5. The time at which something begins; SYN. commencement, first, outset, start, kickoff, starting time, offset.
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ETYM Old Eng. burth, birth, AS. beordt, gebyrd, from beran to bear, bring forth; akin to Dutch geboorte, Old High Germ. burt, giburt, German geburt, Icel. burthr, Skr. bhrti bearing, supporting; cf. Irish and Gael. beirthe born, brought forth. Related to Bear, Berth.
monym: berth).
1. The event of being born; SYN. nativity, nascency, nascence.
2. The time when something begins (especially life); or.
Act of producing live young from within the body of female animals. Both viviparous and ovoviviparous animals give birth to young. In viviparous animals, embryos obtain nourishment from the mother via a placenta or other means.
In ovoviviparous animals, fertilized eggs develop and hatch in the oviduct of the mother and gain little or no nourishment from maternal tissues. See also pregnancy.
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ETYM French origine, Latin origo, -iginis, from oriri to rise, become visible; akin to Greek ornynai to stir up, rouse, Skr. or, and perh. to Eng. run.
1. An event that is a beginnin
g; a first part or stage of subsequent events; SYN. origination, genesis, inception.
2. Properties attributable to one's ancestry; SYN. descent, extraction.
3. The point of intersection of coordinate axes; where the values of the coordinates are all zero.
In mathematics, the point where the x axis meets the y axis. The coordinates of the origin are (0,0).
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