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muški rod

1. Choc.
2. Effet.

bruit · but · choc · collision · conséquence · coup · effet · heurt · influence · renfoncement · retentissement · retombées + prikaži više
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1. Dignified manner or conduct; SYN. comportment, presence, mien.
2. Device placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily, with a minimum of friction.
3. Relevant relation or interconnection:
4. The direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies; SYN. heading, aim.

aim · armorial bearing · carriage · charge · comportment · heading · heraldic bearing · mien · posture · presence + prikaži više



ETYM Latin effectus, from efficere, effectum, to effect; ex + facere to make: cf. French effet, formerly also spelled effect. Related to Fact.
1. A result or consequence.
. A symptom caused by an illness or a drug.
3. An impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived).
4. The central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work; SYN. essence, burden, core, gist.
5. (Of a law) Having legal validity; SYN. force.
6. Result; ability to produce a result; impression produced on a spectator, auditor etc.
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burden · consequence · core · essence · event · force · gist · impression · issue · outcome · result · upshot + prikaži više



Any influence that tends to change the state of rest or the uniform motion in a straight line of a body. The action of an unbalanced or resultant force results in the acceleration of a body in the direction of action of the force, or it may, if the body is unable to move freely, result in its deformation (see Hooke's law). Force is a vector quantity, possessing both magnitude and direction; its si unit is the newton.
According to Newton’s second law of motion the magnitude of a resultant force is equal to the rate of change of momentum of the body on which it acts; the force F producing an acceleration a m s-2 on a body of mass m kilograms is therefore given by: F = ma See also Newton’s laws of motion.
1. Physical energy or intensity:; SYN. forcefulness, strength.
2. The physical influence that produces a change in a physical quantity
3. A powerful effect or influence:
4. Group of people willing to obey orders; SYN. personnel.
5. A group of people having the power of effective action
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effect · force out · force play · force-out · forcefulness · military force · military group · military unit · personnel · power · strength · violence + prikaži više



1. A forceful consequence.
2. The striking of one body against another.

Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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