composé prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

composé | francusko - engleski rečnik



ETYM Latin compositus made up of parts, p. p. of componere. Related to Compound, Compost.
1. Consisting of separate interconnected parts.
2. A modified Corinthian style of architecture (a combination of Corinthian and Ionic).
3. (Botany) Of or relating to or belonging to the plant family Compositae.
4. Used of color.



ETYM Old Eng. compouned, p. p. of compounen. Related to Compound.
1. Consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts.
2. (Botany) Especially of leaf shapes; composed of several similar parts or lobes.

abruptly-pinnate · bilobate · bilobated · bilobed · binate · bipartite · bipinnate · bipinnatifid · cleft · colonial · complex · conjugate · decompound · dissected · even-pinnate · imparipinnate · incised · lobate · lobed · odd-pinnate · palm-shaped · palmate · palmatifid · paripinnate · parted · pedate · pinnate · pinnated · pinnatifid · pinnatisect · quinquefoliate · rough · smooth · ternate · three-lobed · trifoliate · trifoliated · trifoliolate · trilobate · trilobated · trilobed · tripinnate · tripinnated · tripinnatifid + prikaži više



(Homonym: maid).
1. Produced by a manufacturing process.
2. Successful or assured of success.
3. (Of a bed) Having the sheets and blankets set in order.

composé | francusko - engleski rečnik



ETYM Malay kompung a village.
1. An enclosure of residences and other building (especially in the Orient).
2. A whole formed by a union of two or mo
re elements or parts.
3. (Chemistry) A substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight; SYN. chemical compound.
A substance composed of two or more elements whose composition is constant. For example, table salt (sodium chloride - NACl) is a compound.
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