ETYM See Bourn.
In medicine, destruction of body tissue by extremes of temperature, corrosive chemicals, electricity, or radiation. First-degree burns may cause reddening; second-degree burns cause blistering and irritation but usually heal spontaneously; third-degree burns are disfiguring and may be life-threatening.
Burns cause plasma, the fluid component of the blood, to leak from the blood vessels, and it is this loss of circulating fluid that engenders shock. Emergency treatment is needed for third-degree burns in order to replace the fluid volume, prevent infection (a dire threat to the severely burned), and reduce the pain. Plastic, or reconstructive, surgery, including skin grafting, may be required to compensate for damaged tissue and minimize disfigurement. If a skin graft is necessary, dead tissue must be removed from a burn (a process known as debridement) so that the patient's blood supply can nourish the graft.
1. Damage inflicted by burning.
2. An injury cause by exposure to fire or chemicals or radiation.
3. A burned place or area; SYN. burn mark.
4. Pain that feels hot as if it were on fire; SYN. burning.
(Verbrennungsmotoren) Bei Otto-(Vergaser-)Motoren die Entzündung des verdichteten Kraftstoff-Luft-Gemischs durch von der Zündspule hochgespannten Batteriestrom, der mit Hilfe eines Verteilers zu den einzelnen Zündkerzen geleitet wird u. dort als Funken zw. 2 Elektroden überschlägt. Bei der Magnet-Z. (meist bei Motorrädern) wird der Zündstrom von einem in den Motor eingebauten Zündapparat erzeugt. Die Z. des eingespritzten Kraftstoffs bei Dieselmotoren erfolgt durch die angesaugte, hochverdichtete u. dadurch erhitzte Luft (Selbst-Z.), während Glühkopfmotoren im Zylinderkopf eine Glühstelle haben.
(Irregular preterit, past participle: burned; or: burnt).
1. To destroy by fire; SYN. fire, burn down.
2. To feel hot or painful.
3. To burn with heat, fire, or radiation.
4. To cause to burn.
5. To undergo combustion; SYN. combust.
6. To be completely consumed by fire; to reduce to ashes; SYN. incinerate.
7. To feel strong emotion, esp. anger or passion.
8. To shine intensely, as if with heat; SYN. glow.
9. To spend (significant amounts of money).
10. To burn at the stake.
1. To write data electronically into a programmable read-only memory (PROM) chip by using a special programming device known variously as a PROM programmer, PROM blower, or PROM blaster. Also called: blast, blow. See also PROM.
2. To create read-only memory compact discs (CD-ROMs).
3. To write data electronically on a flash memory chip or a PC Card Type III. Unlike PROM chips or CD-ROM, flash memory media can be burned, or flashed, repeatedly with new information. Also called: flash.