ETYM AS. besta, best, contr. from betest, betst, betsta; akin to Goth. batists, Old High Germ. pezzisto, German best, beste, Dutch best, Icel. beztr, Dan. best, Swed. bäst. This word has no connection in origin with good. Related to Better.
(Superlative of 'good') Having the most positive qualities.
Werner, Darmstadt 10.7.1903, dt. Politiker und SS-Obergruppenführer (1944); Jurist, 1930 NSDAP-Eintritt, Juli 33 Landespolizeipräs. in Hessen, 1935 zur Gestapo nach Berlin, Mitarbeit am Aufbau des Sicherheitsdienstes (SD) der SS. Als Leiter des Amtes II (Organisation, Recht, Verwaltung) im Reichssicherheitshauptamt soll B. 1939/1940 mitverantwortl. gewesen sein für Massaker in Polen, 1940/1942 war er gegen die frz. Widerstandsbewegung eingesetzt und regierte von Nov. 1942 bis Kriegsende Dänemark als Reichsbevollmächtigter. Obwohl er dort dazu beitrug, den dän. Juden das Entkommen zu ermöglichen, wurde er 1949 in Kopenhagen zum Tod verurteilt. Zu 12 Jahren Haft begnadigt und 1951 freigelassen, wurde B. 1972 in der Bundesrepublik erneut angeklagt wegen der Morde in Polen. Aus Gesundheitsgründen kam es jedoch zu keiner Verurteilung.
1. In a most excellent way or manner.
2. It would be sensible.
(Herbert) (1899-1978) Canadian physiologist, one of the team of Canadian scientists including Frederick Banting whose research resulted in 1922 in the discovery of insulin as a treatment for diabetes.
Best also discovered the vitamin choline and the enzyme histaminase, and introduced the use of the anticoagulant heparin.
Best was born in Maine, US. As one of Banting's undergraduate students at the University of Toronto, he took part in the experiments to isolate insulin. They tied off the pancreatic duct in a group of dogs, which caused atrophy of the pancreas except for the part known as the islets of Langerhans. This eliminated the digestive enzymes normally produced by the pancreas, and left only insulin, produced by the islets of Langerhans. An extract of this was injected into another group of dogs, whose pancreas had been entirely removed so that they had developed diabetes. Gradually, these dogs' condition improved with the injections.
A Banting–Best Department of Medical Research was founded in Toronto, and Best was its director 1941–67.
1. The person who is most outstanding or excellent.
2. The supreme effort one can make.
To get the better of; to beat (in a contest).