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Brooke | englesko - nemački rečnik


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Sir Alan Francis 1883-1963 1st Viscount Alyanybrooke British field marshal.


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Alan Francis (Viscount Alanbrooke), Bagnères-de-Bigorre (Frkr.) 23.7.1883, +Hartley Wintney (Hampshire) 17.6.1963, brit. Feldmarschall (1.1.1944); Artillerieoffizier, 1914/1918 in Frkr., Generalstabsausbildung, 1935 Inspekteur der Artillerie, 1937 Kommandeur der ersten brit. Pz.div., Sept. 1939 bis Mai 1940 Kommandeur des II. Korps der British Expeditionary Forces in Frkr., mit dem er den brit. Rückzug nach Dünkirchen deckte; Juli 1940 bis Nov. 1942 OB der brit. Heimatstreitkräfte und als solcher für die Reorganisation des ges. brit. Heeres verantwortl. B. wurde am 1.12.1942 als Nachfolger von Dill Chef des Empire-Generalstabs und damit engster militär. Mitarbeiter Churchills, dessen volles Vertrauen er besaß. Als exzellenter Stratege und Organisator sollte B. auf Wunsch des Premiermin. das Oberkommando bei der Invasion (Unternehmen 'Overlord') übernehmen, die endgültige Wahl fiel jedoch auf Eisenhower wegen des polit. und militär. Übergewichts der USA. Rivalitäten unter den alliierten OBs wußte B. m + prikaži više

Brooke | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(Chawner) (1887-1915) English poet. He stands as a symbol of the World War I “lost generation”. His five war sonnets, the best known of which is ‘The Patriot’, were published posthumously. Other notable works include ‘Grantchester’ and ‘The Great Lover’.

Brooke | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1934-) British Conservative politician, a Member of Parliament from 1977. Appointed chair of the Conservative Party by Margaret Thatcher 1987, he was Northern Ireland secretary 1989–92, and National Heritage secretary 1992–94.
Brooke was educated at Oxford and worked as a management consultant in New York and Brussels. The son of a former home se
cretary, Lord Brooke of Cumnor, he became an MP 1977 and entered Thatcher's government 1979. Following a number of junior appointments, he succeeded Norman Tebbit as chair of the Conservative Party 1987. After an undistinguished two years in that office, he succeeded Tom King as Northern Ireland secretary 1989. He aroused criticism (and praise) for observing that at some future time negotiations with the IRA might take place. In 1991 his efforts to institute all-party, and all-Ireland, talks on reconciliation proved abortive but he continued to be held in high regard on both sides of the border. As National Heritage secretary, he argued for regulatory measures to protect against invasions of privacy by the press.

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Brooke | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1803-1868) British administrator who became rajah of Sarawak, on Borneo, 1841. In 1838 he headed a private expedition to Borneo, where he helped to suppress a revolt, for which the sultan gave him the title. Brooke became known as the “the white rajah”.

Brooke | englesko - nemački rečnik


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Edward William 1919- American politician

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