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ETYM Latin solidus, probably akin to sollus whole, entire, Greek: cf. French solide. Related to Consolidate,Soda, Solder, Soldier, Solemn.
1. Acting together as a single undiversified whole; SYN. unanimous.
2. Entirely of a single color throughout;
SYN. self-colored, self-coloured.
3. Entirely of one substance with no holes inside.
4. Having three dimensions.
5. Incapable of being seen through.
6. Of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous.
7. Of good quality and condition; solidly built; SYN. strong, substantial.
8. Of good substantial quality.
9. Of one substance or character throughout.
10. Turned into or covered with thick ice.
11. Uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks.

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1. Coriace. Matériau dur.
2. Rude. Climat dur.
3. Difficile. Avoir la vie dure.
4. Strict.
5. Intransigeant. L'aile dure du parti.

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1. Coriace. Matériau dur.
2. Rude. Climat dur.
3. Difficile. Avoir la vie dure.
4. Strict.
5. Intransigeant. L'aile dure du parti.

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1. Solide.
2. Stable. Sur le sol ferme.
3. Inébranlable. Caractère ferme.
4. Définitif. Offre ferme.



1. Ferme. Un terrain solide.
2. Stable. Une relation solide.
3. Résistant. Un revêtement solide.
4. Sérieux.
5. Sűr. Un raisonnement solide.

solid | englesko - francuski rečnik



In physics, a state of matter that holds its own shape (as opposed to a liquid, which takes up the shape of its container, or a gas, which totally fills its container). According to kinetic theory, the atoms or molecules in a solid are not free to move but merely vibrate about fixed positions, such as those in crystal lattices.
1. A substance that is a solid at room temperature and pressure.
2. A three-dimensional shape.
3. The state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains an definite size and shape; SYN. solidness.

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In a solid manner; also; unanimously

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