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fat | englesko - francuski rečnik



1. Having much excessive flesh (especially fat)
2. A chubby body; SYN. rounded.
3. Having a relatively large diameter
4. Marked by great fruitfulness; SYN. fertile, productive, rich.
5. (Informal) Lucrative; SYN. juicy.

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1. Graisseux. Corps gras.
2. Riche. Repas gras.
3. Adipeux. Personne grasse.
4. Épais. En caractères gras.
5. Grossier. Plaisanterie grasse.



1. Graisseux. Corps gras.
2. Riche. Repas gras.
3. Adipeux. Personne grasse.
4. Épais. En caractères gras.
5. Grossier. Plaisanterie grasse.



1. Volumineux.
2. Épais.
3. Gras. Un gros homme.
4. Important. Une grosse affaire.
5. Grossier. Un gros rire.
6. (au féminin) enceinte. Cette vache est grosse.
7. Riche ; plein. Cette question est grosse de significations.

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1. Volumineux.
2. Épais.
3. Gras. Un gros homme.
4. Important. Une grosse affaire.
5. Grossier. Un gros rire.
6. (au féminin) enceinte. Cette vache est grosse.
7. Riche ; plein. Cette question est grosse de significations.

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1. Lourd.
2. Gros.

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fat | englesko - francuski rečnik



In the broadest sense, a mixture of lipids—chiefly triglycerides (lipids containing three fatty acid molecules linked to a molecule of glycerol). More specifically, the term refers to a lipid mixture that is solid at room temperature (20şC); lipid mixtures that are liquid at room temperature are called oils. The higher the proportion of saturated fatty acids in a mixture, the harder the fat.
Boiling fats in strong alkali forms soaps (saponification). Fats are essent
ial constituents of food for many animals, with a calorific value twice that of carbohydrates; however, eating too much fat, especially fat of animal origin, has been linked with heart disease in humans. In many animals and plants, excess carbohydrates and proteins are converted into fats for storage. Mammals and other vertebrates store fats in specialized connective tissues (adipose tissues), which not only act as energy reserves but also insulate the body and cushion its organs.
As a nutrient fat serves five purposes: it is a source of energy (9 kcal/g); makes the diet palatable; provides basic building blocks for cell structure; provides essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic); and acts as a carrier for fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). Foods rich in fat are butter, lard, margarine, and cooking oils. Products high in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats are thought to be less likely to contribute to cardiovascular disease.

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ženski rod

1. Lipide. De la graisse de porc.
2. Lubrifiant. Graisse pour machines.
3. (Familier) Lard. Se faire de la graisse.

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matière grasse

ženski rod
FAT | englesko - francuski rečnik



See file allocation table. In computing, abbreviation for file allocation table. A soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue.

adipose tissue · avoirdupois · blubber · fatness · fatty tissue
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fat | englesko - francuski rečnik



To make fat; fatten

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