toga značenje | engleski leksikon

toga značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / toʊɡə /

Množina: togas


ETYM Latin, akin to tegere to cover. Related to Thatch.
A loose one-piece outer garment worn by men in ancient Rome.
Loosely draped outer garment wor
n by the citizens of ancient Rome, later the exclusive dress of the upper-class Romans, consisting of a piece of cloth draped around the body.
Long scarves, shawls, and cloaks have been draped toga-style by both men and women during periods of classical revival such as the Renaissance and Neo-Classical period c. 1800.

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srpski · francuski

Još sličnih reči

TAC | tack | tacky | taco | Taegu | TAG | taiga | taka | Takao | take | Tc | TCO | Teague | teak | teg | Tekoa | TG | TGA | tic | tick | Tieck | TIGA | tika | tike | tiki | tikka | tk | TKO | to go | Toc H | toco | tog | Togo | togue | Tok | Tokay | toke | Tooke | toque | TUC | tuck | tug | tuque | tyke

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