teak značenje | engleski leksikon

teak značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / tiːk /

Množina: teaks


ETYM Malayalm tekku.
1. Hard strong durable yellowish-brown wood of teak trees; resistant to insects and to warping; used for furniture and i
n shipbuilding; SYN. teakwood.
2. Tall East Indian timber tree now planted in western Africa and tropical America for its hard durable wood; SYN. Tectona grandis.
Tropical Asian timber tree Tectona grandis, family Verbenaceae, with yellowish wood used in furniture and shipbuilding.

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Tectona grandis · teakwood
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Još sličnih reči

TAC | tack | tacky | taco | Taegu | TAG | taiga | taka | Takao | take | Tc | TCO | Teague | teg | Tekoa | TG | TGA | tic | tick | Tieck | TIGA | tika | tike | tiki | tikka | tk | TKO | to go | Toc H | toco | tog | toga | Togo | togue | Tok | Tokay | toke | Tooke | toque | TUC | tuck | tug | tuque | tyke

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