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ženski rodbotanika
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Strong-smelling tall herbaceous plant Smyrnium olusatrum of the carrot family Umbelliferae. It is found along hedgerows and on cliffs. Its yellow flowers appear in spring and early summer.

Alexander · Alexanders · Smyrnium olusatrum · black lovage · horse parsley



ETYM Old Eng. letuce, prob. through Old French from some Late Latin derivative of Latin lactuca lettuce, which, according to Varro, is from lac, lactis, milk: cf. French laitue. Related to Lacteal, Lactucic.
1. Any of various plants of
the genus Lactuca.
2. Leaves of any of various plants of Lactuca sativa.
Annual edible plant Lactuca sativa, family Compositae, believed to have been derived from the wild species L. serriola. There are many varieties, including the cabbage lettuce, with round or loose heads, and the Cos lettuce, with long, upright heads.
Iceberg and Romaine are the two salad varieties grown especially for US supermarkets, but Boston and Redleaf are sometimes shipped to markets.
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salata | srpsko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodkulinarstvo

Hladno jelo od raznih biljaka i dr., začinjeno sirćetom, zejtinom i biberom.
Dodatak glavnom jelu.

Prevedi salata na:

nemački · francuski



ETYM French salade, OIt. salata, Italian insalata, from salare to salt, from Latin sal salt. Related to Salt, Slaw.
Food mixtures either arranged on a plate or tossed and served with a moist dressing; usually cons
isting of or including greens.
1. Any of various usually cold dishes: as raw greens (as lettuce) often combined with other vegetables and toppings and served especially with dressing; small pieces of food (as pasta, meat, fruit, or vegetables) usually mixed with a dressing (as mayonnaise) or set in gelatin.
2. A green vegetable or herb grown for salad; especially; lettuce.
3. A usually incongruous mixture; hodgepodge.
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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
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