Alexander značenje | engleski leksikon

Alexander značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / æləgzændər /

(1859-1938) Australian philosopher who originated the theory of emergent evolution: that the space-time matrix evolved matter; matter evolved life; life evolved mind; and finally God emerged from mind. His books include Space, Time and Deity 1920.
He was professor at Manchester University, England, 1893–1924.

Alexander značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / æləgzændər /

1. Name of 3 emperors of Russia: I 1777-1825 (reigned 1801-25); II 1818-1881 (reigned 1855-81); III 1845-1894 (reigned 1881-94)
2. Name of 8 popes: especially VI (Rodrigo Borgia) 1431-1503 (pope 1492-1503)

Alexander značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / æləgzændər /

1st Earl Alexander of Tunis (1891-1969) British field marshal, a commander in World War II in France, Burma (now Myanmar), N Africa, and the Mediterranean. He was governor-general of Canada 1946–52 and UK minister of defense 1952–54.
Third son of the 4th earl of
Caledon, he was commissioned in the Irish Guards, served in World War I, and in World War II he commanded the 1st Division in France 1939. He was then general officer commander in chief, Southern Command, until he became general officer commander in chief in Burma (now Myanmar) Mar 1942. As lieutenant-general he commanded the 1st Corps. He was deputy commander in chief of the Mediterranean Combined Operations and was promoted general officer commanding. He was created Earl Alexander of Tunis in 1952, and was in 1959 awarded the Order of Merit.

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alexander značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / æləgzændər /

Množina: alexanders


An iced cocktail made from creme de cacao, sweet cream, and gin or brandy.

Alexander · Alexander the Great · Alexanders · Smyrnium olusatru · black lovage · horse parsley + prikaži više
Alexander značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / æləgzændər /

1. City in Iowa (USA); zip code 50420.
2. City in Kansas (USA); zip code 67513.
3. City in North Dakota (USA).
4. European
herb somewhat resembling celery widely naturalized in Britain coastal regions and often cultivated as a potherb; Also called: Alexanders, black lovage, horse parsley, Smyrnium olusatrum.
5. Town in Arkansas (USA); zip code 72002.
6. Village in New York (USA); zip code 14005.

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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