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muški rodživotinja

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nemački · francuski



ETYM French lion, Latin leo, -onis, akin to Greek leon. Related to Chameleon, Dandelion, Leopard.
Large gregarious predatory feline of Africa and India having a tawny coat with a shaggy mane in the male; SYN. king of beasts, Panthera leo.
Cat Panthera leo, now found only in Africa and NW India. The coat is tawny, the young having darker spot markings that usually disappear in the adult. The male has a
heavy mane and a tuft at the end of the tail. Head and body measure about 2 m/6 ft, plus 1 m/3 ft of tail, the lioness being slightly smaller. Lions produce litters of two to six cubs, and often live in prides of several adult males and females with several young.
Capable of short bursts of speed, they skillfully collaborate in stalking herbivorous animals. Old lions whose teeth and strength are failing may resort to eating humans. “Mountain lion” is a name for the puma.
Females remain with the pride while males remain only for a couple of years or so, before being supplanted by a competing coalition of males. Males tend to cannibalize the young; about a third of all young are eaten.
An epidemic of distemper was spreading through the 3,000 lions of the Serengeti 1994; 40 lions died between Feb and June.
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muški rodastrologija
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1. A zodiacal constellation in northern hemisphere between Cancer and Virgo.
2. The fifth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from July 23 to August 22; Als
o called: Leo the Lion.
Zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere represented as a lion. The Sun passes through Leo from mid-Aug to mid-Sept. Its brightest star is first-magnitude Regulus at the base of a pattern of stars called the Sickle. In astrology, the dates for Leo are between about 23 July and 22 Aug (see precession).
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ženski rodlično ime

Smatraju je za poslednju ikonu ženskog roka, ne osporavajući joj ni glumački talenat. Ipak, njoj se uvek dešavaju stvari koje su više nego zaprepašćujuće. Više puta je uhvaćena sa drogom, gađala je mikrofonom jednog vlasnika noćnog kluba, duguje 50 miliona dolara jednoj kalifornijskoj turističkoj agenciji, ljudima koji su kod nje zaposleni takođe duguje pozamašnu sumu novca, nasrnula je flašom na ženu koja je bili u blizini njenog bivšeg verenika, nikad nije platila suvlasničke troškove za svoj apartman u Sohou.

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nemački · francuski

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