LEO značenje | engleski leksikon

LEO značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / liːoʊ /

See low-Earth-orbit satellite.

Leo značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / liːoʊ /

Name of 13 popes: especially I Saint died 461 (pope 440-61); iii Saint d 816 (pope 795-816); Xiii 1810-1903 (pope 1878-1903)

Leo značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / liːoʊ /

Množina: Leos


1. A zodiacal constellation in northern hemisphere between Cancer and Virgo.
2. The fifth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from July 23 to August 22; Als
o called: Leo the Lion.
Zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere represented as a lion. The Sun passes through Leo from mid-Aug to mid-Sept. Its brightest star is first-magnitude Regulus at the base of a pattern of stars called the Sickle. In astrology, the dates for Leo are between about 23 July and 22 Aug (see precession).

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Leo · Leo the Lion · Lio · Lion
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Još sličnih reči

L | L.H | La | La! | Lae | Laie | Lao | Laue | law | lay | LE | lea | Leahy | lee | Leh | lei | leio | Leo III | leu | Ley | LH | Li | Liao | lie | lieu | ll | LO | Lo! | Loa | Loewy | loo | low | Loy | LU | luau | Luo | LW | Lwów | ly

Reč dana 05.12.2024.

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