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ženski rod

1. Užarena tečna masa koju izbacuju vulkani, koja teče iz njih, a koja kad se rashladi, očvrsne kao kamen. (oko grotla vulkana razliva se, a kad očvrsne dobija tvrdoću kamena);
2. Prenosno: nešto jako, ogromno, koje sve ruši pred sobom;
3. Bojni poredak konjice (lat.)

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nemački · francuski



ETYM Italian lava lava, orig. in Naples, a torrent of rain overflowing the streets, from Italian and Latin lavare to wash. Related to Lave.
Rock that in its molten form issues from volcanos.
Molten rock (usually 800–1100şC/1500–2000şF) that erupts from a volcano and cools to form extrusive igneous rock. It differs from magma in that it is molten rock on the surface; magma is molten rock below the surface. Lava that is high in silica is viscous and sticky and does not flow far; it forms a steep-sided conical volcano. Low-silica lava can flow for long distances and forms a broad flat volcano. + prikaži više



ETYM Latin, from Greek, dung, ordure.
1. The slag rejected after the eduction of metallic ores; dross.
2. Cellular slaggy lava; volcanic cinders.
3. Dross or slag from metal-smelting; slag-like mass of lava.
4. Slag; slaglike mass of lava.

dross · slag



ETYM Swed. slagg, or lg. slacke, whence German schlacke; originally, perhaps, the splinters struck off from the metal by hammering. Related to Slay.
The dross or scoria of a metal.
In chemistry, the molten mass
of impurities that is produced in the smelting or refining of metals.
The slag produced in the manufacture of iron in a blast furnace floats on the surface above the molten iron. It contains mostly silicates, phosphates, and sulfates of calcium. When cooled, the solid is broken up and used as a core material in the foundations of roads and buildings.
The scum formed by oxidation at the surface of molten metals; SYN. scoria, dross.
+ prikaži više

dross · scoria

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
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