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(Irregular preterit, past participle: burned; or: burnt).
1. To destroy by fire; SYN. fire, burn down.
2. To feel hot or painful.
3. To burn with heat, fire, or
4. To cause to burn.
5. To undergo combustion; SYN. combust.
6. To be completely consumed by fire; to reduce to ashes; SYN. incinerate.
7. To feel strong emotion, esp. anger or passion.
8. To shine intensely, as if with heat; SYN. glow.
9. To spend (significant amounts of money).
10. To burn at the stake.
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bite · burn down · burn off · burn up · cauterise · cauterize · combust · cut · fire · glow · incinerate · sting · sunburn + prikaži više

burn down


To burn completely; be consumed or destroyed by fire; SYN. burn up, go up.

burn · burn up · fire · go up

burn out


1. To drive out or destroy the property of by fire
2. To cause to fail, wear out, or become exhausted especially from overw
ork or overuse
3. To suffer burnout
4. When a fire, candle, or other flame stops burning because it has no more fuel, it burns out.
5. When a light bulb stops producing light because it has reached the end of its useful life, it burns out.
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blow · blow out



1. To cook by exposing to dry heat (as in an oven or before a fire) or by surrounding with hot embers, sand, or stones; to dry and parch by exposure to heat
2. To heat (inorganic mater
ial) with access of air and without fusing to effect change (as expulsion of volatile matter, oxidation, or removal of sulfur from sulfide ores)
3. To heat to excess
4. To subject to severe criticism or ridicule
5. To honor (a person) at a roast
6. To cook food by heat
7. To undergo being roasted
8. To cook with dry heat, usually in an oven
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blackguard · guy · jest at · laugh at · make fun · poke fu · rib · ridicule + prikaži više

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