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nemački · francuski



(Irregular preterit, past participle: met).
1. To get or come together.
2. To get together socially or for a specific purpose; SYN. get together.
3. To meet by design; be present at the arrival of.
4. To encounter; to cross paths with;
SYN. run into, run across, come across, see.
5. To get to know; get acquainted with.
6. To collect in one place; SYN. gather, assemble, forgather, foregather.
7. To fill or meet a want or need; SYN. satisfy, fill, fulfill, fulfil.
8. To experience as a reaction; SYN. encounter, receive.
9. To contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle; SYN. encounter, play, take on.
10. To satisfy or fulfill; SYN. match, cope with.
11. To conform to (a condition or restriction).
+ prikaži više

adjoin · assemble · come across · conform to · contact · converge · cope with · encounter · fill · fit · foregather · forgather · fulfil · fulfill · gather · get together · match · play · receive · run across · run into · satisfy · se · suffer · take on · touch + prikaži više



1. To get something; come into possession of; SYN. have.
2. To accept as true or valid
3. To convert into sounds or pictures, of incomi
ng radio signals.
4. To express willingness to have in one's home or environs; SYN. take in, invite.
5. To have or give give a reception
6. To partake of the Eucharist, in a Christian church.
7. To receive a specified treatment (abstract); SYN. get, find, obtain, incur.
+ prikaži više

encounter · experience · find · get · have · incur · invite · meet · obtain · pick up · take in · undergo · welcome + prikaži više



1. To accept gladly.
2. To bid welcome to; greet upon arrival; SYN. receive.
3. To receive someone, as into one's house.


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