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muški rod

Scheitelpunkt, der höchste Punkt der Himmelskugel, der von allen Punkten des Horizonts gleichen Abstand hat (Höhe 90 [s]).

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ETYM Old Eng. corone, coroun, crune, croun, Old Fren. corone, corune, French couronne, from Latin corona crown, wreath; akin to Greek korone anything curved, crown; cf. also Latin curvus curved. Related to Cornice, Corona, Coroner, Coronet.
Official headdress worn by a king or queen. The modern crown originated with the diadem, an embroidered fillet worn by Eastern rulers, for which a golden band was later substituted. A laurel crown was grant
ed by the Greeks to a victor in the games, and by the Romans to a triumphant general. Crowns came into use among the Byzantine emperors and the European kings after the fall of the Western Empire.
Perhaps the oldest crown in Europe is the Iron Crown of Lombardy, made in 591. The crown of Charlemagne, preserved in Vienna, consists of eight gold plates.
1. The headware worn as a symbol of a monarchy.
2. (Archaic) An English coin worth 5 shillings.
3. An ornamental headdress signifying sovereignty; SYN. diadem.
4. The top, rear portion of the head.
5. The uppermost part of a shape; SYN. peak, summit.
6. The part of a hat covering the crown of the head.
7. A wreath or garland worn on the head to signify victory.
8. The enamel covered part of a tooth above the gum.
9. The upper branches and leaves of a tree; SYN. capitulum, treetop.
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ETYM Old Eng. senyth, Old Fren. cenith, French zénith, Spanish zenit, cenit, abbrev. from Arabic samt-urras way of the head, vertical place; samt way, path + al the + ras head. Related to Azimuth.
1. The point above the observer that is directly opposite the nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected.
2. (Figurative) The greatest height; the climax.
Uppermost point of the celestial horizon, immediately above the observer; the nadir is below, diametrically opposite. See celestial sphere.
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