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In der Kunst wollen S.e als Schrift- oder Bildzeichen einen bedeutsamen oder tieferen Sinn in einer Darstellung andeuten (z.B. das Kreuz als S. in der christlichen Kunst). Häufig werden auch Tiere, Farben, Gegenstände oder Zeichen als S. verwendet; sie haben eine verabredete, eine unmittelbar einsichtige oder eine zu entschlüsselnde Bedeutung.

bildlicher Vergleich · Metapher · Metonymie · Sinnbild · Synekdoche · übertragener Ausdruck · Signal · Vorzeichen · Zeichen · Bildzeichen · Ikon · Piktogramm · Markierung · Merkmal · Emblem · Hoheitszeichen · Wahrzeichen · Glyphe · Grafem · Graph · Graphem · Letter · Schreibzeichen · Schriftzeichen · Entität · Größe · Objekt · Symbolfigur + prikaži više
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ETYM Latin, an instrument for marking, character, Greek, from charassein to make sharp, to cut into furrows, to engrave: cf. French caractčre.
1. A person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); SYN. eccentric, type, case.
3. Good repute.
4. The inherent complex of attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions; SYN. fiber, fibre.
5. An actor's portrayal of someone in a play; SYN. role, theatrical role, part, persona.
6. A written symbol that is used to represent speech; SYN. grapheme, graphic symbol.
7. One of the symbols that can be represented in a computer.
8. Characters include letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, and special symbols.
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case · character reference · eccentric · fiber · fibre · fictional character · fictitious character · grapheme · graphic symbol · lineament · part · persona · quality · reference · role · theatrical role · type + prikaži više



1. A motion or gesture by which a thought is expressed or a command or wish made known; signal; a fundamental linguistic unit that designates an object or relation or has a purely syntactic function; one of a set of gestures used to represent language; also; sign language
2. A mark having a conventional meaning and used in place of words or to represent
a complex notion
3. One of the 12 divisions of the zodiac
4. A character (as a flat or sharp) used in musical notation; segno; a character indicating a mathematical operation; also; one of two characters + and - that form part of the symbol of a number and characterize it as positive or negative
5. A display (as a lettered board or a configuration of neon tubing) used to identify or advertise a place of business or a product; a posted command, warning, or direction; signboard
6. Something material or external that stands for or signifies something spiritual; something indicating the presence or existence of something else; presage, portent; an objective evidence of plant or animal disease
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augury · foretoken · house · mansion · mark · planetary hous · polarity · preindication · sign of the zodiac · signal · signaling · signboard · star sign + prikaži više



ETYM Latin symbolus, symbolum, Greek symbolon a sign by which one knows or infers a thing: from Greek, to throw or put together, to compare; syn with + ballein to throw: cf. French symbole. Related to Emblem, Parable.
(Homonym: cymbal).
In general, something that stands for something else. A s
ymbol may be an esthetic device or a sign used to convey information visually, thus saving time, eliminating language barriers, or overcoming illiteracy.
Symbols are used in art, mathematics, music, and literature; for practical use in science and medicine; for road signs; and as warnings—for example, a skull and crossbones to indicate dangerous contents.
1. An arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance.
2. Something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible; SYN. symbolization, symbolizing, standing for.
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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja