Standort prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Standort | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodgramatika

(Wehrwesen) Unterkunftsort einer Truppe.
(Wirtschaft) Lage eines Betriebs im Wirtschaftsbereich.

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ETYM Old Eng. garnisoun, French garnison garrison, in Old Fren. and Old Eng. also, provision, munitions, from garnir to garnish. Related to Garnish.
1. A fortified place where troops are stationed; SYN. fort.
2. The troops who maintain and guard a fortified place.

Garrison · William Lloyd Garrison · fort



ETYM Latin, it dwells, from habitare. Related to Habit.
In ecology, the localized environment in which an organism lives. Habitats are often described by the dominant plant type or physical feature, such as a grassland habitat or rocky seashore habitat.
The type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs.

home ground



ETYM Latin locatio, from locare.
1. A point or extent in space.
2. The act of putting something in a certain place or location; SYN. locating, placement, position, positioning, emplacement, situating.



ETYM French position, Latin positio, from ponere, positum, to put, place.
2. The spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; SYN. spatial relation.
3. The appropriate
or customary location.
4. Position or arrangement of the body and its limbs; SYN. posture, attitude.
5. A way of regarding situations or topics etc.; SYN. view, perspective.
6. A rationalized mental attitude; SYN. posture.
7. A job in an organization or hierarchy; SYN. post, berth, slot, office, spot, place, situation.
8. (In team sports) The role assigned to an individual player.
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ETYM Latin situs, from sinere, situm, to let, p. p. situs placed, lying, situate: cf. French site. Related to Position.
(Homonym: cite, sight).
1. Physical position in relation to the surroundings; SYN. situation.<
br /> 2. The piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located); SYN. land site.
In archeology, any location where there is evidence for past human behavior. A site can be as small as an isolated find, which is either a single artifact or a small number of artifacts, or as large as an ancient city. Sites are classified according to function: major types include domestic/habitation sites, kill sites, and processing/butchering sites.
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Standort | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodbotanika

(Botanik) Die Umwelt einer Pflanze oder Pflanzengesellschaft.

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Reč dana 16.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
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ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, hemija