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ETYM Old Eng. bordure, French bordure, from border to border, from bord a border; of German origin; cf. Mid. High Germ. borte border, trimming, German borte trimming, ribbon; akin to Eng. board. Related to Board, Bordure.
(Homonym: border).
A strip forming the outer edge of something.

borderline · boundary line · delimitation · edge · margin · mete · molding · moulding · perimeter + prikaži više



ETYM From Bound a limit; cf. Late Lat. bonnarium piece of land with fixed limits.
1. A line determining the lim
its of an area; SYN. edge, bound.
2. The line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something; SYN. bound, bounds.
A line around the edge of an area; a perimeter. The boundary of a circle is known as the circumference.
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bound · bounds · edge · limit



ETYM Old Eng. brim, brimme, AS. brymme edge, border; akin to Icel. barmr, Swed. bräm, Dan. braemme, German brame, bräme. Possibly the same word as AS. brim surge, sea.
1. A rim that sticks outward from the crown.
2. The top edge of a vessel; SYN. rim, lip.

lip · rim



ETYM Dan. brink edge, verge; akin to Swed. brink declivity, hill, Icel. brekka; cf. LG. brink a grassy hill, W. bryn hill, bryncyn hillock.
1. A region marking a boundary; SYN. threshold, verge.
2. The edge of a steep place.

threshold · verge



ETYM Old Eng. eg, egge, AS. ecg; akin to Old High Germ. ekka, German ecke, Icel. and Swed. egg, Dan. eg, and to Latin acies, Greek ake point, Skr. açri edge. Related to Egg, Eager, Ear spike of corn, Acute.
1. A sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object.
2. A slight competitive advantage.
3. A strip near the boundary of an object; SYN. margin.
4. The attribute of urgency; SYN. sharpness.
5. The boundary of a surface; SYN. border.
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border · bound · boundary · margin · sharpness



ETYM OF, fringe, French frange, prob. from Latin fimbria fiber, thread, fringe, cf. fibra fiber, Eng. fiber, fimbriate.
1. An ornamental appendage to the border of a piece of fabric, usually consisting of loo
se or braided ends of thread or yarn.
2. Something resembling in any respect a fringe; a line of objects along a border or edge; a border; an edging; a margin; a confine.
3. One of a number of light or dark bands, produced by the interference of light; a diffraction band.
4. The peristome or fringelike appendage of the capsules of most mosses.
5. (British) Hair cut straight across the forehead; bangs.
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outer boundary · outskirt · periphery



ETYM Old Eng. lippe, AS. lippa; akin to Dutch lip, German lippe, lefze, Old High Germ. lefs, Dan. laebe, Swed. läpp, Latin labium, labrum. Related to Labial.
Fleshy folds of tissue as those surrounding the mouth.
Either of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth and play a role in speaking



ETYM Old Eng. margine, margent, Latin margo, ginis. Related to March a border, Marge.
1. The amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities; SYN. security deposit.
2. The blank space that surrounds the text on a page.
3. The boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary; SYN. border, perimete
Commercial, deposit of cash held by broker as security or installment of purchase price; amount remaining to, or to be paid by, client at termination of account; profit; minimum return required for profitability.
Economics, minimum usefulness that will cause production of commodity, etc., to continue.
In finance, the difference between cost and selling price; also cash or collateral on deposit with a broker or lender to meet legal requirements against loss, as when stocks and other securities have been financed by funds supplied by the lender.
Margin accounts were set at 10% of the selling price before the stock market crash of 1929. Since the establishment of the Securities and Exchange Commission 1934, margin was set at 50%.
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allowance · border · edge · gross profit · gross profit margin · leeway · perimeter · security deposit · tolerance + prikaži više



ETYM As. rima, reoma, edge; cf. W. rhim, rhimp, a rim, edge, boundary, termination, Armor, rim. Related to Rind.
1. The outer part of a wheel to which the tire is attached.
2. The shape of a raised edge of a more or less circular object.

brim · flange · lip



(Homonym: seem).
1. Line formed by joining two pieces, as in sewing.
2. The space between adjacent planks or strakes of a ship.
3. A line, groove, or ridge formed by the abutment of edges; a thin layer or stratum (as of rock) between distinctive layers; also; a bed of valuable mineral and especially coal irrespective of thickness; a line left by a cut or wound; also; wrinkle.
4. A weak or vulnerable area or gap.
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bed · crease · crinkle · furrow · line · wrinkle + prikaži više



ETYM as. sîde; akin to Dutch zijde, German seite, Old High Germ. sîta, Icel. sîtha, Dan. side, Swed. sida.
1. A surface forming part of the outside of an object; SYN. face.
2. A extended outer surface of an object.
3. An aspect of something (as contrasted with
some other implied aspect).
4. A place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location.
5. A line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure.
6. Either the left or right half of a body (human or animal).
7. An opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute; SYN. position.
8. A lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food; SYN. side of meat.
9. A family line of descent.
10. One of two or more contesting groups (in games or war or politics).
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English · face · incline · position · side of meat · slope + prikaži više



ETYM French verge, Latin virga; perhaps akin to Eng. wisp.
1. The limit beyond which something happens or changes; SYN. brink.
2. (British) A grass border along a road.

brink · scepter · sceptre · threshold · wand
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Währungseinheit in der Rep. Südafrika u. in Namibia.

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circumferent · close · encompassing
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ETYM From Bound a limit; cf. Late Lat. bonnarium piece of land with fixed limits.
1. A line determining the lim
its of an area; SYN. edge, bound.
2. The line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something; SYN. bound, bounds.
A line around the edge of an area; a perimeter. The boundary of a circle is known as the circumference.
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bound · bounds · edge · limit
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