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ženski rodgramatika

Derb-kom. Bühnenstück, das auf Verwechslungen, Zufällen u. Übertreibungen aufbaut; aus dem Fastnachtsspiel u. der Commedia dell'arte entwickelt u. z. T. noch mit deren Haupttypen arbeitend.

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Light teasing repartee; SYN. raillery, give-and-take, backchat.



ETYM French bouffonnerie.
Acting like a clown or buffoon; SYN. clowning, frivolity, harlequinade, prank.
Foolish or playful behavior or practice.

clowning · frivolity · harlequinade · japery · pran



A theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor; consists of comic skits and short turns (and sometimes striptease).
In the 17th and 18th centuries, a form of satirical comedy parodying a particular play or dramatic genre. For example, John Gay’s The
Beggar’s Opera 1728 is a burlesque of 18th-century opera, and Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s The Critic 1777 satirizes the sentimentality in contemporary drama. In the US from the mid-19th century, burlesque referred to a sex-and-comedy show invented by Michael Bennett Leavitt 1866 with acts including acrobats, singers, and comedians. During the 1920s striptease was introduced in order to counteract the growing popularity of the movies; Gypsy Rose Lee was the most famous stripper. Burlesque was frequently banned in the US. + prikaži više

charade · lampoon · mockery · parody · pasquinade · put-o · sendup · spoof · takeoff · travesty + prikaži više



ETYM French farce, from Latin farsus (also sometimes farctus), p. p. pf farcire. Related to Farce.
A comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations; SYN. farce comedy, travesty.
Broad popular comedy
involving stereotyped characters in complex, often improbable situations frequently revolving around extramarital relationships (hence the term “bedroom farce”).
Originating in the physical knockabout comedy of Greek satyr plays and the broad humor of medieval religious drama, the farce was developed and perfected during the 19th century by Eugčne Labiche (1815–1888) and Georges Feydeau (1862–1921) in France and Arthur Pinero in England.
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farce comedy · forcemeat · travesty

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