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ženski rodgramatika

Dialekt, im Unterschied zur allg. Schrift- u. Umgangssprache die landschaftl. versch. Redensweise.
(Dialekt)regional ausgeprägte Sp
rachform ohne normative Regeln als mündl. tradiertes Idiom, oft durch spätere Bemühung um schriftl. Fixierung erstarrt. Diese Fixierung aber ermöglichte andererseits das Aufblühen einer reichen M.dichtung, die früher ebenfalls nur regional und mündl. weitergegeben wurde.

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ETYM French dialecte, Latin dialectus, from Greek, to converse, discourse. Related to Dialogue.
The usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people; SYN. idiom, accent.
Variation of a spoken language shared by th
ose in a particular area or a particular social group or both. The term is used to indicate a geographical area (“northern dialects”) or social group (“black dialect”).
The term is sometimes used subjectively, in a judgmental and perhaps dismissive way. In that case, the standard language of a community is not seen as a dialect itself, but as the proper form of that language, dialects being considered in some way corrupt. This is a matter of social attitude, not of linguistic study.
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accent · idiom



ETYM French idiome, Latin idioma, from Greek idioma, from idioyn to make a person's own, to make proper or peculiar.
An expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the wo
rds that make it up; SYN. idiomatic expression, phrasal idiom, set phrase, phrase.
Language or dialect peculiar to a people, region, class, etc.; linguistic expression peculiar to itself in form, grammar, etc.; style of artistic expression characteristic of a person, period, medium etc.
Any expression that is peculiar to a language and cannot be translated or interpreted literally.
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accent · artistic style · dialect · idiomatic expression · parlance · phras · phrasal idiom · set phrase + prikaži više



The everyday speech of the people (as distinguished from literary language).

argot · cant · jargon · lingo · patoi · slang + prikaži više

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