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Allg. das Entgelt für geleistete Arbeit, hpts. die an die Zahl der geleisteten Arbeitsstunden (Zeit-L.) oder an die hergestellte Menge (Akkord-L.) gebundene Entlohnung von Arbeitern. – Die aktuelle L.höhe hängt auch von der jeweiligen Marktkonstellation ab (insbes. von Angebot u. Nachfrage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt) u. wird durch die zw. Arbeitgebern u. Gewerkschaften ausgehandelten Tarifverträge fixiert, in denen u. a. Mindestlöhne (Tariflöhne) festgelegt sind. Von dem tarifl. vereinbarten L. ist der tatsächl. gezahlte L. (Effektiv-L.) zu unterscheiden. L.unterschiede werden begründet mit unterschiedl. Leistungen, mit der relativen Seltenheit der angebotenen Arbeitsleistungen, aber auch mit soz. Ursachen.
Period. gezahltes Arbeitsentgelt der Arbeiter. Der L., unterschieden nach Brutto- (Gesamtbetrag) und Netto-L. (abzügl. Steuern und Versicherungen), wird nach Zeit und/oder Leistung (Akkord) bemessen auf der Basis des von den Tarifpartnern ausgehandelten Tarif-L.

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1. A payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership).
2. That which is deserved or owed.




ETYM Old Eng. fe, feh, feoh, cattle, property, money, fief, AS. feoh cattle, property, money.
1. A fixed charge for professional services.
2. An interest in land capable of being inherited.
Law, heritable estate in land. fee simple, fee heritable without restrictions as to heirs; unconditional use. fee tail, entailed fee.



ETYM Old Eng. mede, AS. męd, meord; akin to OS. męda, Old High Germ. miata, mieta, German miethe hire, Goth. mizdô reward, Bohem. and Russ. mzda, Greek misthos, Skr. mîdha.
(Archaic) A fitting reward.



1. Payment; a sum of money paid.
2. Salary or wages for work or service; compensation; recompense; payment.
Financial reward given by employers to employees for their work. Take-home pay or net pay is pay after income tax, national
insurance contributions, and any other deductions have been taken away. Gross pay is before deductions.
The pay of manual workers is normally called their wage; white-collar workers are usually said to receive a salary. The total pay or earnings of workers include their basic pay—that is, the pay they receive for working their basic week or month—plus overtime payments, bonus payments, and any other monies given by employers. Pay is an important motivator of individual workers.
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ETYM French salaire, Latin salarium, originally, salt money, the money given to the Roman soldiers for salt, which was a part of their pay, from salarius belonging to salt, from sal salt. Related to Salt.
The recompense paid, or stipulated to be paid
, to a person at regular intervals for work accomplished; fixed wages, as by the year, quarter, or month.
Pay, usually of nonmanual workers, often expressed in annual terms. A teacher's salary might be 15,000 per year, for example. Salaried workers are most unlikely to receive overtime payments though they may receive bonuses. Although they are contracted to work for a specific number of hours per week, they are usually expected to work longer hours, sufficient to do the job to a satisfactory standard.
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ETYM Old Fren. wage, gage, guarantee, engagement. Related to Wage.
Something that remunerates; SYN. pay, earnings, remuneration, salary.
Pay given to labor. The pay of manual workers is usually called wages, compared to salaries paid to nonmanual workers. The basic wage of a worker is the wage
received for working a normal week. On top of the basic wage, the worker may receive overtime pay and other bonus payments. The basic wage plus these extra payments is called the worker’s earnings. The wage rate is the wage over a period of time, such as an hour or week.
For example, a worker may be on 5 an hour for a basic working week of 40 hours. So his or her weekly pay is 200. If he or she works 4 hours overtime at time and a half, the total earnings in the wage packet for the week would be 230. The equilibrium wage for a group of workers in a free market is fixed by the forces of demand and supply.
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