LAN prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

LAN | nemačko - engleski rečnik



(2000) Local area network – kleinflächiges Netzwerk, zum Beispiel das Netzwerk innerhalb eines Firmengeländes oder im SOHO.
Local Area Network, digitales Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetz (>=10 Mbps). M
eist auf nur kleiner Grundfläche (ein Gebäude oder gar Stockwerk). Oft aus sehr unterschiedlichen Rechnersystemen gebildet.
Abkürzung für "Local Area Network": lokal angelegtes Netzwerk • im Gegensatz zu WAN, das überregional das Arbeitsstationen und Netzwerke verbindet. "Lokal" bezieht sich in diesem Sinne auf einen gemeinsamen Standort, wie beispielsweise ein Firmengelände oder einen Raum.

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Acronym for local area network. A group of computers and other devices dispersed over a relatively limited area and connected by a communications link that enables any device to interact with any other on the network. LANs commonly include PCs and shared resources such as laser printers and large hard disks. The devices on a LAN are known as nodes, and the nodes are connected by cables through which messages are transmitted. See also baseband network, broadband network, bus network, client/server architecture, collision detection, communications protocol, contention, CSMA/CD, network, peer-to-peer architecture, ring network, star network. Compare WAN.
Local Area Network. A network that takes advantage of the proximity of computers to offer relatively efficient, higher-speed communications than long-haul or wide-area networks.
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local area network


See LAN. A local network for inter-computer communication; especially a network connecting computers and word processors and other electronic office equipment to create an inter-office system; SYN. LAN.
(LAN) In computing, a network restricted to a single room or building. Local area networks enable around 500 devices to be connected together.
A network of personal computers in a small area (as an office) for sharing resources (as a printer) or exchanging data.
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Län | nemačko - engleski rečnik



(schwed.) Regierungsbezirk in Schweden.

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