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ženski rodgramatika

(Genealogie) Abstammungsreihe, Folge von Abkömmlingen (Haupt- u. Seiten-L.).
Gerade, gebrochene oder gekrümmte Verbindung zw. 2 Punkt
ETYM. latin.
1. Eindimensionales geometr. Gebilde.
2. Im Verkehrswesen eine regelmäßig bediente Flug- oder Schiffsverbindung.
3. Im Militärwesen eine nebeneinander aufgestellte Truppe bzw. die Einheiten des stehenden Heeres im Unterschied zur Reserve.

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In geometry, the locus of a point moving according to specified conditions. The circle is the locus of all points equidistant from a given point (the center). Other common geometrical curves are the ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola, which are also produced when a cone is cut by a plane at different angles.
Many curves have been invented for the solution of special problems in geometry and mechanics—for example, the cissoid (the inverse of a parabola) and the cycloid.
1. A baseball thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approach the batter; SYN. curve ball, breaking ball, bender.
2. A line on a graph representing data.
3. The trace of a point whose direction of motion changes; SYN. curved shape.
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1. A length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point.
2. A mark that is long relative to its width
3. A linear string of words expressing some idea
4. A formation of people or things one after another
5. A formation of people or things beside one another
6. Something lo
ng and thin and flexible.
7. A conceptual separation or demarcation:; SYN. dividing line, demarcation, contrast.
8. A fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops)
9. A particular kind of product; SYN. product line, line of products, line of merchandise, business line, line of business.
10. A commercial organization serving as a common carrier.
11. Railroad track and roadbed; SYN. railway line, rail line.
12. In games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing area.
13. Acting in conformity; or or
14. A single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrum.
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