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(Religion) Ein Grundbegriff der jüd.-christl. Religionswelt: das »Sich-Verlassen« des Menschen auf Gott. Im Christentum ist G. der in urspr. Bezug zu seinem Grund Jesus Christus verstandene Mut zum Sein, die Hoffnung, die auch am Tod nicht scheitert, u. die Motivationskraft der Liebe. Wichtig ist die Abgrenzung des G. von einem bloßen Fürwahr-Halten religiöser Lehren, da der religiöse G. nicht Sache allein des Intellekts ist, sondern Bestimmung der Person als ganzer.
innere Überzeugung oder Sicherheit, ohne formalen Beweis. Der G. ist die Grundlage und Voraussetzung jeder Religion; er bedeutet insofern ein emotional bestimmtes, zuversichtl. Vertrauen in außerird., transzendentale, göttl. Gegebenheiten. In der Philosophie als Gegenteil von Wissen definiert, sieht das Christentum keinen Gegensatz zw. G. und dem rational-intellektuellen Moment menschl. Seins.

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ETYM Old Eng. bileafe, bileve; cf. AS. geleáfa. Related to Believe.
1. A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof; SYN. dogma, tenet.
2. Any cognitive content held as true.
Assent to the truth of propositions, statements, or facts. In philosophy, belief that something is the case is contrasted with know
ledge, because we only say we believe that something is the case when we are unjustified in claiming to know that it is.
Although they undoubtedly affect behavior, beliefs cannot be analyzed solely in behavioral terms, since a person can believe that he or she is unselfish and yet still be very selfish. French philosopher René Descartes held that the assent to the truth of a proposition is a matter of will, whereas the Scot David Hume held that it is an emotional condition.
In religion, belief is based on acceptance of the reported existence, acts, and teachings of religious figures, not witnessed first-hand but passed down the generations in written form and ritual.
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feeling · impression · notion · opinion



ETYM Late Lat. credentia, from Latin credens, -entis, p. pr. of credere to trust, believe: cf. Old Fren. credence. Related to Creed, Credent, Creance.
The mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true; SYN. acceptance.
Small table for holding sacred vessels.
Belief; Ecclesiastical, small table or sideboard for sacred vessels.
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acceptance · credenza



ETYM Latin aestimatio, from aestimare: cf. French estimation. Related to Esteem.
1. The act of estimating.
2. The result of estimating.
3. An opinion or judgement.



ETYM Old Eng. feith, fayth, fay, Old Fren. feid, feit, fei, French foi, from Latin fides.
1. Complete confidence in a person or plan etc; SYN. trust.
2. Loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person.
In religion, trust and belief in God’s provision; the “assurance of things hoped for, the conviction o
f things not seen” (St Paul). It can also mean a particular religion or set of beliefs.
The idea of faithfulness, in the sense of commitment or steadfastness, can be applied to both human beings and God. Faith includes moral or liturgical obedience, although in Christianity the Protestant reformers made a sharp distinction between faith (belief in Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation) and works (practical actions), which they taught did not bring salvation. In Hinduism, faith is defined as dependence on God in devotion. In Buddhism, faith is one of the five cardinal virtues, and is an essential part of the search for enlightenment.
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organized religion · religion · religious belief · trust

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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