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Lat. Tumor, allg. eine krankhafte Gewebszunahme, die durch Stauung u. Übertritt von Blut, entzündl. Flüssigkeiten u. a. ins Gewebe entsteht. Speziell bezeichnet man als G. die Gewebsneubildung (Gewächs, Neoplasma). Gutartige Geschwülste sind z.B. Warzen u. Polypen. Die bösartigen Geschwülste zeichnen sich durch Gewebsunreife sowie durch schrankenloses Wachstum aus u. grenzen sich nicht gegen ihre Umgebung ab, sondern dringen in sie ein u. zerstören sie. Sie bilden Tochtergeschwülste (Metastasen). Die bösartige G. nennt man Krebs; die vom Epithelgewebe ausgehende G. heißt Karzinom, die vom Bindegewebe ausgehende Bindegewebs-G. heißt Sarkom.

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ETYM Icel. grôthr, grôthi. Related to Grow.
In biology, the increase in size and weight during the development of an organism. Growth is an increase in biomass (mass of organic material, excluding water) and is associated with cell division.
All organisms grow, altho
ugh the rate of growth varies over a lifetime. Typically, an organism shows an S-shaped curve, in which growth is at first slow, then fast, then, toward the end of life, nonexistent. Growth may even be negative during the period before death, with decay occurring faster than cellular replacement.1. The process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex levela growth of hair.
(Pathology) An abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor).
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ETYM Cf. od. lompe piece, mass. Related to Lunch.
1. A small mass of matter of irregular shape; an irregular or shapeless mass.
2. A mass or aggregation of things.
3. A projection beneath the breech end of a gun barrel.
4. A lazy, usually overweight person.

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ETYM Latin, from tumere to swell: cf. French tumeúr. Related to Tumid. Usage US
(Alternate spelling: tumour). An abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose; SYN. tumour, neoplasm.
Overproduction of cells in a specific area
of the body, often leading to a swelling or lump. Tumors are classified as benign or malignant (see cancer).
Benign tumors grow more slowly, do not invade surrounding tissues, do not spread to other parts of the body, and do not usually recur after removal. However, some benign tumors can be dangerous, such as in areas like the brain. The most familiar types of benign tumor are warts on the skin. In some cases, there is no sharp dividing line between benign and malignant tumors.
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neoplasm · tumour



Alternate (chiefly British) spelling for tumor.

neoplasm · tumor
Geschwulst | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Auswuchs · Exkreszenz · Gewebewucherung · Neoplasie · Neubildung · Raumforderung · Tumor · Wucherung · Wulst + prikaži više
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