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Dasein, fakt. Vorhandensein; im Ggs. zum Sosein (Essenz); insbes. das menschl. Leben; Existenzphilosophie.

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ETYM Cf. French existence.
1. The state of existing; being.
2. Life; the duration of life.
In philosophy, what is common to everything that there is. Like being, existence is a fundamental notion in metap
hysics generally. Existence can be contrasted with being, as in some types of existentialism; or it can be contrasted with essence, as in the work of Thomas Aquinas.
In medieval and rationalist metaphysics, existence is perfection. The ontological argument —God is perfect; existence is a perfection; therefore, God exists necessarily—turns on whether existence can be a predicate or property, which German philosopher Immanuel Kant denied.
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