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ženski rodgramatika

(Wehrwesen) Raum zw. dem Operationsgebiet einer Armee u. dem Heimatgebiet.
(allgemein) Abschnitt, Teilstrecke; Rastort.
ETYM. frz.
1. Teilstrecke (z.B. bei Radrennen), Abschnitt (z.B. einer Entwicklung).
2. Troß, Nachschuborganisation (im Unterschied zur Kampftruppe), rückwärtiges Frontgebiet.

Streckenabschnitt · Teilstrecke · Teilstück
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ETYM Old Eng. hoppe; akin to Dutch hop, hoppe, Old High Germ. hopfo, German hopfen; cf. Late Lat. hupa, W. hopez, Armor. houpez, and Icel. humall, SW. and Dan. humle.
1. An informal dance where popular music is played; SYN. record hop.
2. The act of hopping (jumping upward or forward, especially on one foot).



ETYM Old Fren. estage, French étage, (assumed) Late Lat. staticum, from Latin stare to stand. Related to Stand, Static.
1. A large platform on which people can st
and and can be seen by an audience.
2. Any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something.
3. (Usually); the theater as a profession.
4. A small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination; SYN. microscope stage.
5. A section or portion of a journey or course; SYN. leg.
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