Edelstein prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Edelstein | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

Ein geschliffenes Mineral, das sich durch Seltenheit, Unempflindlichkeit gegen Abnutzung (Härte 8-10 n. Mohs), durch Schönheit der Farbe oder klare Durchsichtigkeit, spezieller Lichtbrechung von anderen Steinen wesentlich unterscheidet.
Die Könige unter den Edelsteinen sind: Diamant = Brilla
Korund = Rubin und Saphir sowie die andersfärbigen Saphire,
Beryll = Smaragd und Aquamarin bzw. die andersfärbigen Berylle, Chrysoberill in Form von Alexandrit,
Lapis Lazuli (edles Gestein),
Granate in Form von Tsavolith und Mandaringranat, Jadeit usw.
Edelsteine wurden bereits in der Antike gefälscht. Glasfluss ist ein bekanntes Beispiel, und schon Plinius nannte diese Art von Fälschung "die einträglichste aller Gaunereien".
Eine 100-prozentige Trennung zwischen Schmucksteinen und Edelsteinen ist handelsmäßig nicht möglich.

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ETYM Old Eng. gemme precious stone, French gemme, from Latin gemma a precious stone, bud.
1. A crystalline rock that can be cut and polished for jewelry; SYN. gemstone, stone.
2. Something highly prized for its beauty or perfection; SYN. treasure.
Mineral valuable by virtue of its durability (hardness), rarity, and beauty, cut and polished for ornamental use, or engraved. Of 120 minerals known to have been us
ed as gemstones, only about 25 are in common use in jewelry today; of these, the diamond, emerald, ruby, and sapphire are classified as precious, and all the others semiprecious, for example the topaz, amethyst, opal, and aquamarine.
Among the synthetic precious stones to have been successfully produced are rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds (first produced by General Electric in the US 1955). Pearls are not technically gems.
With the exception of the diamond, most stones are valued for their color. However, this is often due to the presence of pigmentary matter, and not a property of the mineral itself. The most common mineral pigments are probably compounds of iron, manganese and copper. Exposure to light makes some stones change or lose their color altogether; certain types of turquoise and topaz are particularly liable to do this.
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Any precious or semi-precious stone, such as diamond, ruby or emerald.

gem · stone



ETYM Old Eng. juel, jowel, Old Fren. jouel, juel, joiel, French joyau, dim. of Old Fren. joie joy, jewel, French joie joy. Related to Joy.
(Homonym: joule).
1. A person who is a brilliant and precious as a piece of jewelry; SYN. gem.
2. A precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of jewelry; SYN. gem, precious stone.
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gem · precious stone

precious stone

gem · jewel

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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