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ženski rod

ein elektr. Bauteil, das einen Stromkreis bei Überlastung unterbricht. In Schmelz-S. brennt bei überhöhtem Strom ein dünner, meist in Quarzsand eingebetteter Schmelzdraht durch. S.-Automaten enthalten einen Elektromagneten, durch dessen Spule der Verbraucherstrom fließt. Bei Überlast oder Kurzschluß löst der Elektromagnet die Arretierung einer Feder aus, die den Stromkreis unterbricht.

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srpski · francuski



A duplicate of important information, such as a computer program or data, is a backup.
A duplicate copy of a program, a disk, or data, made either for archiving purposes or for safeguarding valuable files from loss should the active copy be damaged or destroyed. A backup is an “insurance” copy. Some application programs automatically make backup copies of data files, maintain
ing both the current version and the preceding version on disk. Also called: backup copy, backup file.
(Computer science) A copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device; SYN. computer backup.
A system, device, file or facility that can be used as an alternative in case of a malfunction or loss of data.
In computing, a copy file that is transferred to another medium, usually a floppy disc or tape. The purpose of this is to have available a copy of a file that can be restored in case of a fault in the system or the file itself. Backup files are also created by many applications (with the extension .BAC or .BAK); a version is therefore available of the original file before it was modified by the current application. SYN. back-up, back up.
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ETYM For fusee, fusil a firelock.
1. Any device by which an explosive charge is ignited; SYN. fuze, fusee, fuzee, primer.
2. Can interrupt the flow of electrical current when it is overloaded; SYN. electrical fuse.
A circuit element that burns out or breaks when the current passing through it exceeds a certain level. A fuse protects a circuit from damage caused by exces
s current. It performs the same function as a circuit breaker, but it cannot be reset, so it must be replaced if it breaks. A fuse consists of a short length of wire of a specific composition and thickness; the thicker the wire, the more current it can pass before the wire melts and breaks the circuit.
In electricity, a wire or strip of metal designed to melt when excessive current passes through. It is a safety device to stop at that point in the circuit when surges of current would otherwise damage equipment and cause fires. In explosives, a fuse is a cord impregnated with chemicals so that it burns slowly at a predetermined rate. It is used to set off a main explosive charge, sufficient length of fuse being left to allow the person lighting it to get away to safety.
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ETYM Old Fren. guarantie, garantie, French garantie, Old Fren. guarantir, garantir, to warrant, to guaranty, Eng. garantir, from Old Fren. guarant, garant, a warranter, French garant; of German origin, and from the same word as warranty. Related to Warrant, Warranty, Guarantee.




1. Pass, safe-conduct; convoy, escort
2. A precautionary measure, stipulation, or device; a technical contrivance to prevent accident





ETYM Latin securitas: cf. French sécurité. Related to Secure, Surety.
1. Freedom from anxiety or fear.
2. Measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc.; SYN. security measures.
3. The state of being free f
rom danger or injury.
4. Property that one's creditor can claim in case one defaults on one's obligation; SYN. surety.
5. Defense against financial failure; SYN. protection.
6. A guarantee that an obligation will be met; SYN. surety.
7. A formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends; SYN. certificate.
8. A department responsible for the security of the institutions property and workers.
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certificate · protection · security department · security measur · security measures · security system · surety + prikaži više

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