Malory prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Malory | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Sir Thomas, um 1408, 1471, engl. Dichter; gab in seinem »The Morte Darthur« eine Prosazusammenfassung der Artus-Sage.


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(lived 15th century) English author. He is known for the prose romance Le Morte d’Arthur about 1470, a translation from the French, modified by material from other sources. It deals with the exploits of King Arthur’s knights of the Round Table and the quest for the Holy Grail.
Malory’s identity is uncertain. He is thought to have been the Warwickshire landowner of that name who was Member of Parliament for Warwick 1445 and was charged with rape, theft, and attempted murder 1451 and 1452. If that is so, he must have compiled Le Morte d’Arthur during his 20 years in Newgate prison.
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