Mahler prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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Gustav, Kalischt 7.7.1860, +Wien 18.5.1911, österreich. Komponist, weltweit begehrter Komponist und Wagner-Interpret, tätig v.a. in Wien (seit 1897). Als Tonsetzer war M. der Romantik wie der Wiener Klassik verpflichtet, schuf v.a. dämon.-leidenschaftl. 'Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen' (1883/1885), 'Kindertotenlieder' (nach Rückert, 1901/1904) sowie 10 Sinfonien und mehrere Chorwerke.

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(1860-1911) Austrian composer and conductor. His epic symphonies express a world-weary Romanticism in visionary tableaux incorporating folk music and pastoral imagery. He composed nine large-scale symphonies, many with voices, including Symphony No 2 “Resurrection” 1884–86, revised 1893–96, and left a tenth unfinished. He also composed orchestral lieder (songs) including Das Lied von der Erde/The Song of the Earth 1909 and Kindertotenlieder/Dead Children’s Songs 1901–04.
The Symphony No 2 second movement, based on a ländler (folk dance in three time), is reinterpreted in stream-of-consciousness mode by Berio in Sinfonia 1968, into which Berio inserts a history of musical references from J S Bach to Stockhausen. The Adagietto slow movement from Symphony No 5 provided a perfect foil for Luchino Visconti’s film Death in Venice 1971.
Mahler was born in Bohemia (now the Czech Republic); he studied at the Vienna Conservatoire, and conducted in Prague, Leipzig, Budapest, and Hamburg 1891–97. He was director of the Vienna Court Opera from 1897 and conducted the New York Philharmonic from 1910.
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