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Ein Teil, insbes. ein bewegl. Teil des tier. u. menschl. Körpers (Gliedertiere, Gliedmaßen). – Männl. G. (Penis), das der Samenübertragung dienende äußere Geschlechtsorgan.

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(Homonym: limn).
One of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or grasping: arm; leg; wing; flipper.

arm · branch · tree branch



1. A fastener that serves to join or link; SYN. linkup, tie, tie-in.
2. A unit of length equal to 1/100 of a chain.
3. An interconnecting circu
it between two or more locations for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data; SYN. data link.
4. The means of connection between things linked in series; SYN. nexus.
5. (Computers) A connection between two items (two texts, a text and an image, etc.), usually activated by the click of a mouse.
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connectedness · connection · connexion · contact · data link · inter-group communication · liaison · linkup · nexus · radio link · tie · tie-in + prikaži više

male member




ETYM Old Eng. membre, French membre, from Latin membrum; cf. Goth. mimz flesh, Skr. mamsa.
1. An organization that is a member
of another organization (especially a state that belongs to a group of nations).
2. Anything that belongs to a set or class.
3. One of the persons who compose a social group (especially individuals who have joined and participates in a group organization).
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imenicagpl pennesanat

ETYM Latin.
Male copulative organ. Male reproductive organ containing the urethra, the channel through which urine and semen are voided. It transfers sperm to the female reproductive tract to fertilize the ovum. In mammals, the penis is made erect by vessels that fill with blood, and in m
ost mammals (but not humans) is stiffened by a bone.
Snakes and lizards have a paired structure that serves as a penis; other reptiles have a single organ. A few birds, mainly ducks and geese, also have a type of penis, as do snails, barnacles, and some other invertebrates. Many insects have a rigid, nonerectile male organ, usually referred to as an intromittent organ.
A 1995 us study showed the average length of an erect human penis to be 12.8 cm/5 in (smaller than is popularly assumed).
The male organ of copulation ('member' is a euphemism); SYN. phallus, member.
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member · phallus

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