Množina: branches
ETYM Old Eng. braunche, French branche, from Late Lat. branca claw of a bird or beast of prey; cf. Armor. brank branch, bough.
(Irregular plural: branches).
1. A division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant.
2. A part of a forked or branching shape; SYN. fork, leg.
3. A stream or river connected to a larger one.
4. An administrative division of some larger or more complex organization; SYN. subdivision, arm.
1. City in Arkansas (USA); zip code 72928.
2. City in Minnesota (USA).
Množina: branches
1. A node intermediate between the root and the leaves in some types of logical tree structure, such as the directory tree in Windows or a tape distribution organization.
2. Any connection between two items such as blocks in a flowchart or nodes in a network. See branch instruction.
To divide into two or more branches; SYN. ramify, fork, separate, to branch off.