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srpski · francuski



1. The act of catching an object with the hands; SYN. grab, snatch, snap.
2. The quantity that was caught; SYN. haul.
3. A fastener that fastens or locks a door or window.
> 4. A hidden drawback
5. A person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect; SYN. match.
6. A restraint that checks the motion of something; SYN. stop.
7. Anything that is caught (especially if it is worth catching)
8. A cooperative game in which a ball is passed back and forth
9. A break or check in the voice (usually a sign of strong emotion).
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apprehension · arrest · collar · gimmick · grab · haul · match · pinch · snap · snatch · stop · taking into custody + prikaži više



ETYM AS. clawu, clâ, cleó; akin to Dutch klaauw, German klaue, Icel. klô, Swed. and Dan. klo, and perh. to Eng. clew.
1. A bird's foot that has claws.
2. A structure like a pincer on the limb of a cr
ustacean or other arthropods; SYN. chela, nipper, pincer.
3. Sharp curved horny process on the toe of a bird or some mammals or reptiles; SYN. unguis.
Hard, hooked, pointed outgrowth of the digits of mammals, birds, and most reptiles. Claws are composed of the protein keratin, and grow continuously from a bundle of cells in the lower skin layer. Hooves and nails are modified structures with the same origin as claws.
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chela · hook · nipper · pincer



ETYM From Fang; cf. AS. fang a taking, booty, German fang.
1. Canine tooth of a carnivorous animal; used to seize and tear its prey.
2. Hollow or grooved tooth a venomous snake; used to inject its poison.




1. The act or process of hauling; pull
2. A device for hauling
3. The result of an effort to obtain, collect, or win
4. The quantity of fish taken in a single draft of a net
5. Transportation by hauling
6. The length or course of a transportation route

catch · draw · haulage



ETYM Cf. Old Fren. espoille, Latin spolium.
1. The act of stripping and taking by force; SYN. spoliation, spoilation, despoliation, despoilment.
2. The act of spoiling; SYN. spoiling, spoilage.
3. (Usually plural) Valuables taken by violence (especially in war).

despoilation · despoilment · despoliation · spoilage · spoilation · spoiling · spoliation + prikaži više
Fang | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Prevedi Fang na:

srpski · francuski



ETYM AS. clawu, clâ, cleó; akin to Dutch klaauw, German klaue, Icel. klô, Swed. and Dan. klo, and perh. to Eng. clew.
1. A bird's foot that has claws.
2. A structure like a pincer on the limb of a cr
ustacean or other arthropods; SYN. chela, nipper, pincer.
3. Sharp curved horny process on the toe of a bird or some mammals or reptiles; SYN. unguis.
Hard, hooked, pointed outgrowth of the digits of mammals, birds, and most reptiles. Claws are composed of the protein keratin, and grow continuously from a bundle of cells in the lower skin layer. Hooves and nails are modified structures with the same origin as claws.
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chela · hook · nipper · pincer

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